June 2022 news
Archive news stories
Women’s rights campaigner and Paralympic champion honoured by the University of Stirling
Women and children’s rights campaigner Lydia Okroj and Paralympic gold medallist David Smith MBE have today [June 30] been recognised with honorary degrees from the University of Stirling.
Climate champions Lewis Pugh and Mike Robinson receive honorary degrees from Stirling
The University of Stirling has today [June 29] bestowed honorary doctorates on Lewis Pugh and Mike Robinson – two public figures who have dedicated their lives to campaigning for the environment.
‘Hitch-hiking’ viruses can survive on microplastics in freshwater, new study finds
Scientists have proven for the first time that viruses can survive and remain infectious by binding themselves to plastics in freshwater – raising concerns about the potential impact on human health.
New report reveals strength of holistic welfare service model for supporting veterans in Glasgow
A new report has been published examining the Social Return on Investment (SROI) generated by Glasgow’s Helping Heroes (GHH) a partnership between SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity and Glasgow City Council.
Substance use experts tackle health inequalities among people released from prison
New research is set to explore how health services can better support people released from prison in a bid to reduce the numbers dying from substance use, overdose, and suicide.
Inspirational public figures to be recognised at University of Stirling summer graduation
The University of Stirling will bestow honorary degrees on four inspirational public figures who are making a positive difference in their respective fields, it has been announced.
Classes of 2020 and 2021 return to Stirling campus to celebrate graduation
More than 2,000 University of Stirling graduates who were unable to attend a ceremony in 2020 or 2021 due to the pandemic are returning to campus this week to celebrate their achievements.
‘Essay Mills’ Pose Serious Risk to Scottish Universities
Vulnerable students are turning to online ‘essay mills’ to purchase written work that they then pass off as their own, threatening academic integrity and exploitation, a new study has found.
675-year-old mystery ends after researchers discover the origins of the Black Death
A team of researchers has ended a more than six-and-a-half-century mystery, after discovering the origins of the Black Death for the first time.
Study to explore impact of distress intervention on suicide
A new study is seeking to understand how a ground-breaking intervention designed to support people in distress has impacted suicidal ideation, suicidal behaviour, and self-harm.
Shadow Minister discovers Stirling's upskilling and employability mission
The University of Stirling’s success in supporting upskilling and employability has been highlighted to a senior parliamentarian, during a visit to campus today [Friday, 10 June].
Health visiting study seeks to learn lessons from pandemic
A new £265,000 study led by the University of Stirling is seeking to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected health visiting services across the UK, with a view to improving them in the future.