May 2020 news
Archive news stories
Stirling scientists report on animal welfare in aquaculture
Scientists at the University of Stirling have authored a new report providing guidance on identifying and strengthening best practices for animal welfare in aquaculture.
University appoints its first entrepreneur-in-residence
The University of Stirling has appointed its first entrepreneur-in-residence, to further support students, alumni, and staff to achieve their start-up business ambitions.
New report reveals impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol on small retailers
The Scottish Government’s minimum unit pricing policy has been implemented as intended by small retailers in Scotland, according to new research carried out by the University of Stirling.
Stirling experts inform new study on world’s tropical forests
Extensive research on tropical forests in Central Africa – conducted by the University of Stirling over several decades – forms part of an important new paper published in a prestigious journal.
COVID-19: Study considers the impact of ‘new’ home working arrangements on wellbeing
The impact of the unprecedented shift towards full-time home-based work (HBW), brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, is the focus of a major new University of Stirling study.
Volunteers sought to help record Scotland’s political past
The Scottish Political Archive – housed at the University of Stirling – is appealing for volunteers to help create a comprehensive record of its 2014 Independence Referendum collection.
COVID-19: Dying patients should receive visits, experts say
Families should be enabled to visit dying loved-ones – even during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a healthcare expert who has recently overcome her own life-threatening illness.
Stirling’s Housing Studies course recognised for its world-class research and teaching
The University of Stirling’s Masters/Postgraduate Diploma in Housing Studies has been reaccredited by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH).
Even better than the real thing? The value of replicas at heritage sites
Two University of Stirling academics have co-authored a book looking at the value of replicas at heritage sites and in museums.
Study considers the protection of vulnerable children during COVID-19
Protecting the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children and young people in Scotland, during the COVID-19 pandemic, is the focus of a new University of Stirling study.
Satellite technology to help tackle invasive aquatic weeds
Scientists will use satellites, drones and ground sensors in a bid to tackle the spread of invasive aquatic weeds – a serious problem that damages vital water and food resources in Asia and Africa.
£800k study to look at link between fire and climate change
University of Stirling experts will lead a new £800,000 study investigating the behaviour of pyrogenic carbon – partly-burned plants left behind following fire – and its potential impact on climate change.
Eurovision voting points to more than just musical tastes
How people vote in the Eurovision Song Contest may tell us more than just the musical tastes of a nation - according to new research.
New study examines lifting of pub and nightclub restrictions
A new University of Stirling study is seeking to understand how the easing of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on licensed premises can be effectively managed to protect emergency services.
Occupational hygiene expertise could help reduce risk of COVID-19 in workplace
Occupational hygienists could play an important role helping workers return to their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic, a University of Stirling expert has said.
Study to research impact of COVID-19 on people who use drugs
Understanding the health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on people who use drugs in Scotland is the focus of a new University of Stirling study.
Stirling projects to safeguard wellbeing of carers during pandemic
Three University of Stirling projects will play a key role in safeguarding carers and support workers during the COVID-19 pandemic – and assessing the impact the experience has on them.
Sewage poses potential COVID-19 transmission risk, experts warn
Environmental biologists at the University of Stirling have warned that the potential spread of COVID-19 via sewage “must not be neglected” in the battle to protect human health.
University of Stirling staff volunteer for COVID-19 effort
Eleven clinically-trained staff from the University of Stirling have volunteered to return to frontline healthcare duties to support the COVID-19 pandemic response.
Young writers celebrated by leading poets in national competition
The winners of a national poetry competition for young writers from across the UK – supported by the University of Stirling and Newcastle University – have been announced.
COVID-19 studies focus on Ambulance Service impact
A new University of Stirling study will assess the challenges faced by paramedics during the COVID-19 pandemic – and consider how their decisions impact patients with the virus.
COVID-19 study: Impact of social distancing on older adults
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social contact, loneliness, wellbeing and physical activity in older adults will be the focus of a new University of Stirling study.