May 2019 news
Archive news stories
Student journalism success for Stirling
Stirling students were celebrating after scooping a host of accolades at a national journalism awards ceremony.
Top award win for world-leading aquaculture institute
The University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture has triumphed at a national awards ceremony.
Study reveals link between sheep reproduction and infection
Sheep living in the remote outpost of St Kilda are more susceptible to infection if they have recently given birth to lambs, according to new research involving the University of Stirling.
Students’ workplace successes celebrated at awards event
Students’ achievements in volunteering, internships and placements have been celebrated at an annual University of Stirling awards ceremony.
Scientists to value benefits of eco-friendly flood schemes
The economic and environmental benefits of natural flood defences will be explored in a £467,000 University of Stirling-led project.
Stirling to analyse omega-3 samples for industry leader
Experts at the University of Stirling have signed a major new deal to provide omega-3 testing to a world leader in the sector.
Smoking risk in children has fallen since tobacco display ban
The risk of 11 to 16-year-olds taking up smoking has reduced following the introduction of a ban on the open display of tobacco products in the UK, according to a new University of Stirling study.
Death of a friend ‘impacts health for up to four years’
The death of a close friend can cause a major decline in physical health and psychological wellbeing – with the impact being felt for up to four years, research has revealed.
Stirling athletes nominated for Unsung Hero campaign
Six University of Stirling athletes have been recognised as part of the inaugural Watermans Unsung Sporting Hero campaign which celebrates personalities making their mark across the sporting landscape.
Stirling part of new £5.9m study tackling impact of alcohol, tobacco and obesity
Experts at the University of Stirling are part of a new £5.9 million research consortium looking at how the marketing of alcohol, tobacco and unhealthy food and drink has a detrimental impact on health.
Equality awards for University areas
A University of Stirling faculty and division have been recognised for their continued commitment to equality.
£21.7m transformation of Stirling student experience
A £21.7 million project which will transform the student experience at the heart of the University of Stirling is underway.
Prison tobacco ban significantly reduces second-hand smoke
Levels of second-hand smoke in Scotland’s prisons fell by more than 80 percent in the week after smoking was banned, according to new University of Stirling research.
Back-to-back British titles for Stirling golfers
The University of Stirling’s golf team retained the British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) Team Championship this past week after a dominant performance against the University of the Highlands and Islands.
Reasons for delay in pelvic organ prolapse treatment revealed
Many women do not seek early treatment for pelvic organ prolapse due to confusion and a lack of awareness around the condition’s symptoms – and feelings of shame and embarrassment – according to new research.