Scottish Minister learns about University's work on ageing and dementia

Scottish Government Minister for Older People, Christina McKelvie MSP, visited the University of Stirling to hear about its work on ageing and dementia.

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A Scottish Government minister has visited the University of Stirling to hear about its work on ageing and dementia.

Christina McKelvie MSP, Scottish Government Minister for Older People and Equalities, heard about proposals for an intergenerational village and was given an overview of the University-led Healthy Ageing in Scotland (HAGIS) project – the first Scottish longitudinal study of older people.

The minister, who was welcomed to the campus by Deputy Principal (Research) Professor Judith Phillips, was also given a tour of the University’s Design & Technology Suite -­ which showcases the principles of dementia-friendly design - as part of her visit to the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) today.

The University is a leading centre of expertise in ageing and dementia research, with researchers working closely with policymakers and practitioners to develop cutting-edge solutions to encourage independence and wellbeing in older age.

It has developed plans for an Intergenerational Living Innovation Hub, acting as a test-bed for the latest technological, health and social care, architectural, and streetscape solutions to living well in older age. It will also enable communities to live together in a way that provides benefit and support to all.

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Professor Judith Phillips
Deputy Principal (Research)
Working with industry and policymakers, we are developing innovative solutions that are enabling older people to live independent lives, for longer.

Other innovations at the University include the award-winning Iridis app, developed by DSDC in collaboration with Space Group to offer expert guidance on dementia design at the touch of a button. App users can assess both new and existing buildings to understand the impact of the environment – such as layout and internal finish – on people with dementia, allowing those with age-related impairments to enjoy a greater quality of life and remain independent for longer.

Ms McKelvie said: “I was delighted to visit the University of Stirling to find out more about its important work on dementia and healthy ageing.

“These are high priority policy areas for the Scottish Government as we seek to look at the opportunities and challenges around the ageing population.

“We continue to work with national and local partners to implement our third National Dementia Strategy; and our first Older People’s Framework will be published in the spring.”

Professor Phillips said: “University of Stirling researchers are spearheading efforts to better understand ageing and dementia.

“Working with industry and policymakers, we are developing innovative solutions that are enabling older people to live independent lives, for longer.

“Our plans for an Intergenerational Living Innovation Hub will build on this track record, positioning Scotland at the forefront of cutting-edge research on design and services for older people.” 

Media enquiries to Rosie Free, Communications Officer, on 01786 466169 or