Domestic abuse seminar series launched by University academics
A domestic abuse seminar series – marking the end of an international campaign challenging violence against women and girls – is being launched by the University of Stirling’s Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection.
A domestic abuse seminar series – marking the end of an international campaign challenging violence against women and girls – is being launched by University of Stirling academics.
The first seminar is being held on Human Rights Day, on Monday 10 December – the last day of the ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence’ campaign.
Led by the University’s Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection, it will explore domestic abuse and its impact, and how to respond effectively to children and young people who experience domestic abuse.
It will also include a session by Anna Mitchell, from the City of Edinburgh Council, on the Safe and Together model – which helps child welfare professionals work with victims of domestic abuse.
Director of the Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection
Domestic abuse is a widespread social problem, that can have a significant impact on wellbeing and safety.
"Domestic abuse is a widespread social problem, that can have a significant impact on wellbeing and safety,” said Professor Jane Callaghan, Director of the Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection.
“The seminar series offers an exciting opportunity for academics and professionals who work with families affected by domestic abuse to come together, to share knowledge and understanding and to build evidence-based practice in this important area."
Three further seminars are currently planned for 2019, exploring strategies to support mothers and young children; help families through contact after domestic abuse; and work with people who use violence in intimate relationships.
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