University of Stirling student enterprise secures Santander support
The University of Stirling has been awarded nearly £50,000 through the Santander Universities Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Fund.
The University of Stirling has been awarded nearly £50,000 through the Santander Universities Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Fund.
The University will use the money to develop a new programme named SEED – Student Enterprise Enhanced Development. SEED will enable students to build their enterprise skills and benefit from expert advice, which will help them to develop and launch professional and well-planned business ideas.
Professor Gerry McCormac, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University, said: “We are proud to foster an innovative and enterprising culture on campus, and are committed to further enhancing our support for student entrepreneurs seeking to launch new businesses. This funding from Santander will allow us to develop the SEED programme, which builds on our existing support for our community of aspiring student business leaders.”
Professor Gerry McCormac, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University
Stirling is one of 15 institutions across the UK to receive a grant from the fund, which was launched to celebrate Santander Universities’ 10th anniversary in the UK.
The SEED programme – which received a grant of £49,050 – will include masterclasses from business experts, skills development workshops and bespoke consultancy sessions which will allow students to discuss their own specific business ideas with specialist advisors. SEED will be offered to all University of Stirling students – both undergraduate and postgraduate – as well as all Forth Valley College students.
Matt Hutnell, Director at Santander Universities, said: “We are delighted to award this grant to the University of Stirling, which will enable them to build the new programme of specialist advice for students and we’re very excited to see the new businesses which will grow from this and have an economic impact across the UK.”
Matt Hutnell, Director at Santander Universities
Santander Universities Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Fund is a £1 million fund designed to support universities in delivering large-scale projects benefiting more than 5,000 people directly and driving economic benefits across the UK.
The key objectives of the fund include helping to start, run or grow a business, developing and promoting entrepreneurial skills, culture and mindsets, championing innovation within businesses and delivering economic, social or employment benefits to the local and national economies.
Find out more information about Santander Universities.
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