Senior University delegation visits dementia projects in China and Japan

A senior delegation from the University of Stirling has been visiting dementia projects in China and Japan following an invitation from Japanese company Hitachi.

A senior delegation from the University of Stirling has been visiting dementia projects in China and Japan following an invitation from Japanese company Hitachi.

Professor Judith Phillips

Professor Judith Philips

Deputy Principal (Research) Professor Judith Phillips and colleagues were invited to visit Hitachi’s research and development centres in Beijing and Tokyo after the company attended a one-day dementia design training event at the University in December.

Dr John Rogers

Dr John Rogers

The Stirling group, which included Director of Research and Innovation Services Dr John Rogers and the Dementia Services Development Centre’s Chief Architect Lesley Palmer, also visited the Setagaya Nakamachi project, an integrated housing development for all ages, including accommodation for people with dementia.

Lesley Palmer

Lesley Palmer

DSDC’s team of architects and interior designers provided design advice to developers Tokyu Land Corporation and their partner Mediva Inc. on the design of the 75-bed nursing home and multi-purpose day care centre.

The project was the first building outside of Europe to be awarded an international gold accreditation for excellence in dementia design by DSDC.

The trip offered the University delegation an opportunity to continue talks with Tokyu Land Corporation and Mediva about a second senior living development project in Tokaichiba, Yokohama.

The project consists of luxury apartments, general amenity housing and senior living accommodation, with the DSDC providing guidance during the design development of the project.

Ms Palmer said: “This most recent visit to Japan, to meet with Hitachi, Tokyu Land Corporation, Mediva and many others, has further advanced our multi-disciplinary collaborative approach to research, impact delivery and knowledge transfer in the field of dementia, ageing, design and technology.

“We were inspired by each company’s creative exploration and application of design thinking in response to the challenges of an ageing population.”

Media enquiries to Rosemary Free, Communications Officer, on 01786 466 169 or