Doina Emilian
BA (Hons) Law and Marketing
Describe what your current job involves:
I am a consultant at EY Switzerland, based in the Geneva office. I am specialised in Financial Services Consulting, thus supporting banks and other financial institutions, serving them holistically across all their business needs. As a member of the Business Transformation Execution team, I am predominantly involved in projects focused on improving our clients’ performance by supporting end-to-end transformation programs, from developing their strategies, to implementing them.
Briefly describe your career history to date (type of position and how you navigated this journey):
My career started with an internship at the Scottish Childminding Association, a charity based in Stirling, where I first experienced office work, collaboration, and the responsibility for delivering on a deadline. A year after, I was privileged to be selected in the candidate pool of the Saltire Foundation, who forwarded my application to Barclays in Geneva, where I was a wealth and investment management intern. That sparked my interest in financial services, and I knew it was a path I wanted to pursue after graduation. To enhance my capabilities in the meantime, I also worked as an intern at the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova, a Legal Assistant at ScottishPower, a Brand Ambassador for the Saltire Foundation, and a Data Analyst at the University of Stirling.
In what way did your experiences at Stirling shape your career to date (academic studies, internships, study abroad, part-time work, volunteering)?
Moving to Stirling was a significant emotional and financial effort for me, which is why I wanted to take full advantage of the opportunities presented during my time there. During my second year, I had a 6-month internship with the Scottish Childminding Association. A year later, I went on an ERASMUS+ exchange to Copenhagen Business School, and I also became a Saltire Scholar, being selected for an internship with Barclays Wealth and Investment Management in Geneva, Switzerland. A year after that, I went on placement at ScottishPower, opportunity offered by Stirling Law School, for which I received Stirling’s prestigious Student Talent Awards Recognition (STAR) Award. I was also focused on my studies, and graduated with First Class Honours, receiving the Oxford University Press prize for the Best Law Student.
All of these experiences prepared me for my professional life, by learning to seize opportunities, communicate with senior stakeholders, navigate and prioritize responsibilities, and focus on structured problem solving.
What advice would you give to current students in terms of preparing for your first job after graduation?
The job market is hugely competitive, so it really helps to get as much extra-curricular experience as possible, to help build your skills. Doing well in your degree is important, but employers also look for practical skills to complement your theoretical knowledge. Whether it is a sport, a society, studying abroad or taking an internship, not only does it build your CV, it also shapes you as a person and increases your confidence when it comes to tackling the professional world.
Use the resources that are at your disposal at the University of Stirling! There are career services, counselling, fairs, staff that is specialised and happy to offer advice – do not underestimate the importance of receiving support. Information and help are at the tip of your fingers and you should reach out while you have the options.
Doina's Story
Multilingual graduate Doina Emilian has had a truly international university experience, after completing a four-year BA Law and Marketing.
Born in Moldova, Doina speaks four languages – Romanian, Russian, French and English – and it was this aptitude for communication that helped her pursue a raft of global study and work experience placements during her university career.
She said: “I have always been able to quickly pick up languages but English was my favourite. I knew I wanted to study alongside native speakers for my undergraduate degree. This is what drove me to apply to the UK.”
Completing no less than four work experience placements, and one semester studying abroad, Doina has seized every opportunity possible to travel and learn whilst at Stirling.
In her second-year, Doina completed a six-month internship at the Scottish Childminding Association, where she developed a good practice guide for child participation.
Doina said: “During this placement, I had the chance to collaborate with UNICEF, Stirling senior education lecturer Greg Mannion and the Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland, not to mention dozens of little ones. The experience allowed me to travel around Scotland and meet lots of new people.”
Doina then jumped at the chance to take part in the Erasmus exchange programme, spending a semester of her third year studying at Copenhagen Business School in Denmark – a country she quickly fell in love with.
After completing her semester broad, it wasn’t long before Doina had itchy feet again, departing for another internship – this time in Geneva.
Doina said: “The pinnacle of my university experience was becoming a Saltire Scholar and working for Barclays Wealth and Investment Management in Switzerland. I had known about Saltire internships since first year and worked hard to improve my CV in order to compete for a place.
“I was delighted to be selected and spent eight weeks in Geneva, working for a huge financial institution. I believe this experience shifted my perspective, my expectations and my ambitions, and made me a more focused person, ready to pitch my ideas to employers around the world."
As fourth-year of university arrived, Doina did not rest on her laurels. She worked with the University’s Study Abroad Office and in the legal department of ScottishPower, as part of her Work Placement in Law module, and was rewarded for her efforts at Stirling’s prestigious Student Talent Awards Recognition (STAR) Awards.
Doina added: “Working with ScottishPower was a great experience. It allowed me to understand the intricacies of a legal career path. I was very proud to become the Most Outstanding Student for the Law Work Experience Module at the STAR Awards. It was an unexpected accolade, and an extraordinary way to finish university.”
Originally attracted to Stirling by the idyllic campus environment, university life was a whole new experience for the 23-year-old.
Doina is now ready for the next international adventure after graduating with a first class honours and receiving the Oxford University Press Law prize for being the best graduating student on the single honours degree in law or any combined honours law programme in the University.