Mike Russell MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, formally launched the university and college outcome agreements for 2014/15 at a Scottish Government and Scottish Funding Council (SFC) event hosted at the University of Stirling today.
The audience also heard contributions from Principal and Vice Chancellor Professor Gerry McCormac, Forth Valley College Principal Dr Ken Thomson and SFC Chief Executive Laurence Howells.
Stirling Students’ Union President Johannes Butscher and his Forth Valley College counterpart David Gentles introduced students who have benefited from the innovative joint degree programmes run by the University and the College, which aim to address skills needs, widen access to degree programmes and facilitate a smooth learner journey between college and university study.
More information on the university and college outcome agreements for 2014/15 is available from www.sfc.ac.uk/sectorcommunications.
Moore on the joint degree programmes is available from www.forthvalley.ac.uk/twogether.