Academics and history lovers are being invited to a conference about the Battle of Bannockburn.
The event - organised by the University of Stirling and the Strathmartine Trust - is taking place on June 25 and 26 this year – during a week of activities to mark the 700th anniversary of the famous Battle.
It is being held in Forth Valley College’s new campus at Drip Road, on the outskirts of Stirling. The University delivers a Heritage and Conservation BA Honours degree in association with the College.
Speakers will include military, cultural and art historians, as well as archaeologists and contributors from the National Trust for Scotland and Historic Scotland.
They will explore the run-up to the famous battle in 1314, the archaeology left behind and the work done to interpret the battle to modern day visitors.
Dr Michael Penman from the University said: “The two-day conference is aimed at everyone from scholars and students, teachers and pupils, to heritage workers and people interested in Bannockburn.
“We’ve tried to cover as many aspects of the history of the battle as possible, with speakers investigating military aspects – such as how the armies were raised – to how the battle has lived on in literature, painting and heritage. We’ll consider the latest papers on Bannockburn and there will be a chance to buy books about the battle.
“There will also be a contribution from Scott McMaster – a Stirling graduate and the current property manager at the new Battle of Bannockburn Heritage Centre.
“The University has worked closely with the National Trust and its partners to help deliver the new Bannockburn Heritage Centre and we’re really pleased to be holding this conference to raise awareness of the Battle of Bannockburn and its place in Scottish and British history.”
** The conference takes place at Forth Valley College, Drip Road, Stirling, on 25 and 26 June, from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. each day. It costs £55 to attend both days (waged) or £35 (unwaged). For more information contact Dr Michael Penman, email: m.a.penman@stir.ac.uk or call 01786 467575. You can also find registration information and a full programme online.
Information on visiting Forth Valley College's Stirling campus (the conference venue)