A NEW exhibition – highlighting arts and crafts from across central Scotland – will open at the University of Stirling this weekend.
The Showcase Exhibition for the Forth Valley Open Studios festival runs from Saturday 25 May until Wednesday 31 July. Admission is free.
The University’s art curator, Jane Cameron, said: “Nearly 150 artists are taking place in the Open Studios festival. The University display – in our Pathfoot building – is a great chance to see their work in one venue before the main festival starts in June. The exhibition is free and open to the public. Hopefully lots of people will come along.”
The University display is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Fridays, and from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at weekends.
For details visit www.stir.ac.uk/openstudios or visit the main website at www.forthvalleyopenstudios.com
** The University Showcase will be complemented with a display by Dr. Alastair R. Ross, one of the UK’s leading figurative sculptors (www.arross.co.uk ). He will also present a free lecture at the University between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. on 1 June. There will also be two public workshops in the University's Pathfoot building the same day - from 10 a.m. to noon. A drawing workshop will cost £20 per person - please book in advance by emailing: art.collection@stir.ac.uk. At the same time there will also be a nail art workshop costing £6 per person - no need to book, just drop in.
You can get updates on the workshops and other art events at the University by visiting the Art Collection website at www.artcol.stir.ac.uk.