What can I study?

Our course modules, which have been tailored especially for our International Summer School, incorporate a distinctive Scottish flavour and also allow for critical thinking of international themes. Each module includes an educational trip which will explore some of the most outstanding locations around Scotland.

Our programme allows you to gain credits towards your degree at your home institution. Each module is accredited by the Scottish Credit Qualification Framework (SCQF).

Each class is 100 study hours with at least 16 hours of teaching. You are expected to be able to contribute to discussions and carry out individual study outside of classes.  Assessments differ from class to class.  

Classes will run Monday to Wednesday, with an excursion on Thursday or Friday. The timetables will be emailed to you before your programme begins.

Each class must meet a minimum enrolment to run, and you are asked to submit reserve classes on your application. You will be informed of your final classes after the deadline.

Block 1: Saturday 7 June - Saturday 5 July 2025

This module is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the significance of adequate eating habits for promoting a healthy lifestyle. The module will cover various aspects of nutrition, including macro and micronutrient contents in diet, energy balance, and the impact of age, physical activity, and dietary patterns on food choices.

The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the nutritional value of food and the benefits of making informed dietary choices. Furthermore, you will learn about Scottish traditional dishes and culinary culture, which will enhance their knowledge and appreciation of food culture.

The aim of this module is to teach you about how sport is managed in Scotland and in the UK more widely, and how it is incorporated into the thread of Scottish culture. This course is designed to provide you with an understanding that sport is a microcosm of society and is influenced by cultural traditions, social values, and psychosocial experiences. You will gain an understanding that sport professionals are immersed in the socio-cultural milieu, with sport as the focus as well as understanding the key components of sport management. You will look at cultural traditions, social values and economic factors which influence the provision and representation of Scottish sport. 

Within this module, you’ll explore the purposes of education and how this translates into curriculum offerings within the Scottish Education system in the context of the UK. The module will also consider the issues of learners’ identities within pre-school, primary, secondary and further education. You will look at the policy that informs this and gain knowledge on how identities impact learning. 

Let’s be honest. You probably aren’t going to read this whole article. But what if it was read to you out loud while driving to work, working out at the gym, or completing chores around the house? Better yet, imagine listening to a smooth, relaxing voice like Morgan Freeman’s. You’d be hanging on to every word, and ready for the next episode immediately after...welcome to the world of podcasting.

This module will give you an insight into developing, proposing, pitching and producing audio content to be distributed as podcasts. You will work on creating a short factual podcast using the power of your voice, soundscapes that transport the listener and seamlessly blended music to create that moment. We will guide you on scripting, voice technique and narrative construction so that your podcast has an impact on your audience. This will taught by an industry professional using industry-standard equipment and software. 

Post-production is the phase in the film production process where stories come together. Images and sound are combined to build the narrative and craft what the viewer will experience. Editing involves technical skills, but crucially it is a creative process, in which each decision will impact the style and substance of the completed film.

In this module, you will learn both the creative and technical aspects of editing. You will be taught by an experienced industry professional, who will guide you through the art of post-production. You will be taught in a small group, using industry-standard software and equipment, and working with material both from broadcast shows and award-winning student work. By the end of the module, you will have a confident grasp of technical skills, the techniques of visual storytelling and how sound and pictures come together to create an impact for a viewing audience.

This module aims to provide you with an understanding of the origins, main features and impact of the Jacobite movement, and aims to place Scotland’s experience of Jacobitism within its wider British and European context. It seeks to deepen historical and transferable skills already acquired or to assist students coming to history as a discipline for the first time. You will look at the societal changes that occurred in Scotland in the 18th Century, the Jacobite rebellions and the Enlightenment period. You will learn how to collect, evaluate and use sources to support a historical case and evaluate conflicting historical interpretations. 

This module aims to give you an understanding of the origins, main features and impact of the Jacobite movement from 1688 to 1746. It seeks to place Scotland’s experience of Jacobitism within its broader British and European contexts. It also attempts to deepen the historical and transferable skillset already acquired or to assist you, if you are coming to history as a discipline for the first time, in acquiring such skills.

This module will provide you with a general introduction to central medico-literary concepts, and their evolution, surrounding the body between 1500 and 1900 in Britain. After taking this course, you will be familiar with a wide range of literary works that centre the body, as well as key theories in Literature and Medicine Studies: accompanying primary historical and literary materials will be secondary sources which examine conceptual frameworks of both the body and the practice of medicine. In this module, you will critically analyse literary representations of the early modern humoral body, bodily blazons, doctor-patient relations, and Gothic medicine. Primary readings will introduce you to various historic literary genres, such as Renaissance drama, metaphysical poetry, Elizabethan sonnets, medical life writing, and the Gothic novel. Indicative texts include works by William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, John Donne, Edmund Spenser, Samuel Warren, Mary Seacole, and Arthur Conan Doyle.

Realise your creative potential by producing an original and stimulating piece of short fiction. In addition to engaging with practical aspects of craft and technique, you will learn how to create believable, compelling characters and how to make them live (and die!) on the page. The course encourages the reading of short stories to help shape your work, and how to be inspired by the environment around you. Your technique of writing will be honed as well as expanding the scope and range of your writing

From the Classical age to the 21st century, Celts have fascinated and frightened people. This course explores the evolving way Celtic people lived and died, what they believed and why, different ways in which Celtic peoples have been perceived by outsiders, the ways in which Celts have presented themselves to the world and considers why there has been a revival in the 21st century of Celtic faiths. You will also explore the impact of Christianity in different eras upon the Celtic religions, folklore and mythology through the recurring themes of freedom and independence, especially in relation to the warrior and druid types, signs and symbols and the materiality of the land. This will also enable you to pick up on broader themes and concerns such as gender, power, colonialism, race and migration.   

In recent years the public and academic discourse and media engagement with religion and conflict has been predominantly focused on the relatively narrow field of violence, terrorism and fundamentalism. However, it is by no means the whole picture or conversation that religion and conflict should encompass. This course will focus on sources and case studies of conflict and it will specifically engage with Christian, Jewish and Islamic traditions as well as secular traditions. It will examine issues such as nationalism, colonialism, international affairs and the role of those charged with reporting such conflicts.

Fears of extra-terrestrial invasion and nuclear apocalypse, of seemingly strange and alien civilizations, and of social, economic, and cultural collapse belie SF’s trash label. This course introduces you to the genre’s deep philosophical dimensions, tracing its progress through the pulp magazine during the late-Nineteenth century fin de siècle and early Twentieth-century inter-war periods in the United Kingdom and the United States respectively, and its later development across the so-called Iron Curtain during the Cold War. This course will also challenge the traditional conventions of Science Fiction – interstellar conflict with alien races – and explore the genre’s diverse progressions: into Ecocriticism, Feminism, sexuality, and the near-future ‘Post-SF’ of the urban and suburban present. 

Students in a study pod

Block 2: Saturday 5 July - Saturday 2 August 2025

This module will introduce the subject of Criminology through the lens of the Scottish Criminal Justice System. It will provide an overview of the Scottish Criminal Justice System before examining the major avenues by which the public obtain information about crime – as victims of crime and from the media and official statistics.  The module examines the processes that have developed our definitions of crime and the broader social and political context in which this crime occurs. You will assess different sources and relate the construction and representations of crime to wider social and political contexts in Scotland. 

This module explores contemporary issues and debates that shape world politics today. It starts by introducing International Relations (IR) theory before turning to two broad themes that dominate the subject: conflict and peace. By the end of the course, you will be able to describe different perspectives and concepts linked to the study of international politics and employ concepts and theories to analyse global issues and problems.

This module examines a significant aspect of Scottish history, looking at the phenomenon of witchcraft belief and prosecution in Scotland between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. You will gain an understanding of the dynamic between popular and elite culture, the significance of witchcraft belief to early-modern society and the social, cultural, political, economic and religious tensions that contributed to witch hunting. You will interpret sources and develop a capacity to evaluate conflicting historical interpretations.  

As binary understandings of gender and sexuality are increasingly shown to be outdated and outmoded, developments in our understanding of gender and sexuality are making headlines and becoming a regular part of our daily discourse in both our social and working lives. This course enables students to apply their knowledge of identity politics and put them within a Scottish context.  

You will study a range of acclaimed Scottish texts that explore gender, across a diverse range of poetry, novels, cinema and drama. We will examine the decline of traditional, industrialist, ‘hard man’ masculinities as well as broken masculinities, resistant femininities, and resurgent Scottish LGBT+ fictions. Along with the primary texts, you will use secondary sources introducing you to iconic theorists, as well as relevant contemporary critics examining Scottish literature from a gendered perspective. 

There will be optional opportunities to submit creative work as an alternative to an essay assignment, enabling you to demonstrate an understanding of the stylistic and thematic aspects of the course as a creative practitioner. 

From sparkly vampires to blockbuster monsters, Gothic tropes appear to be all-pervasive in contemporary culture. This course aims to introduce you to Gothic literary expression in the British nineteenth century, before exploring the many ways in which this dark heritage continues to affect contemporary cultural production. focusing on three British texts from the Nineteenth century – Frankenstein (1818), The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) and Dracula (1897) – this class will discuss the adaptation, appropriation, and influence on contemporary popular culture narratives such as those found in fiction, film, tv, fashion, video gaming, and music videos. You will gain an understanding in key Gothic concepts of transgression, excess and monstrosity as they pertain to Nineteenth-century literature and its contemporary culture. 

With attention focused on the question of independence, recent debates concerning Scottish culture and identity gain a heightened political charge. Literature has not only reflected but actively shaped such debate. What role has writing played in political change, and to what extent has Scottish culture escaped its own stereotypes? This course examines the literary and political currents shaping contemporary Scottish identity, introducing you to key twentieth-and twenty-first-century texts. We encounter and explain a range of cultural debates concerning language, class, democracy and nationhood, attending to the urgency as well as the complexity of recent Scottish writing. 

As well as looking at literature and the arts, this class will also look at the role of marketing, tourism and hospitality and look at the role these industries have played in creating, perpetuating or challenging stereotypes of Scotland. The course invites comparisons between the different ways in which Scotland’s literature and its other industries present the nation to the world. 


This module is designed to introduce you to key theoretical debates that have emerged in the study of Scotland’s relationship with the film and television industries. Important questions we will consider include: Who is responsible for constructing Scotland’s identity onscreen? How are Scotland and Scottishness depicted? Why do certain representations dominate over others? This module explores images of Scotland in film and television, in the context of Scottish history.  The module covers topics such as Scotland in Hollywood: Brigadoon to Braveheart (Scotland on the American screen); and Filmmaking in Scotland: the Importance of Shorts.

Scotland’s landscape has inspired poets and writers for generations. From the hills covered in purple heather to the glorious light at sunrise, almost every vista is an invitation to the enthusiastic visual journalist. At the same time, the protection of a diverse and sustainable environment has pushed an appreciation of the landscape to the top of the educational agenda. This is a unique module that enables you to appreciate the environment and enjoy the natural beauty of Scotland while learning and developing your skills at landscape photography. You will learn the practice of landscape photography, but also the theory and principles of British photography. Equipment and software will be provided.

Credited learning

Each module is accredited by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), and is granted at 10 SCQF credits each. This is equivalent to roughly 3 US or 5 ECTS credits. Please check with your home institution or exchange co-ordinator to see if the credit transfer applies to you.

The module number, US/ECTS credits, course length and the Stirling credit (SCQF) are outlined below:

Number of modules US/ECTS credits Number of weeks SCQF credits
2 modules 6 US credits/10ECTS credits 4 weeks (Block 1 or 2) 20
3 modules 9 US credits/15ECTS credits 8 weeks (Block 1 and 2) 30
4 modules 12 US credits/20ECTS credits 8 weeks (Block 1 and 2) 40


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