Scottish International Law Conference 2024: Human Rights Incorporation

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(Day 1: 13:00 to 18:00 and Day 2: 09:30 to 16:30)
Stirling Court HotelBooking requiredFree
Image: Scottish International Law Conference 2024: Human Rights Incorporation

The 2024 edition of the Scottish International Law Conference series will focus on the theme of 'Human Rights Incorporation'. The conference will explore the incorporation of international human rights obligations into national law.

It will bring together experts with an interest and expertise in the implementation of international human rights obligations across the UK. The timing is significant and coincides with the ongoing debate in the Scottish Parliament concerning a Scottish Human Rights Bill.

The conference will address the multifaceted challenges associated with human rights incorporation at conceptual and thematic levels. It will delve into the interpretation and ramifications of incorporation, examining how international human rights treaties and recommendations from monitoring bodies can be and have been translated into national legislation.

Serving as a platform for both academics and practitioners, the conference will facilitate discussions, knowledge sharing, and critical debates surrounding the integration of human rights obligations within the legal frameworks of the UK.

The conference has three key objectives:

  1. Analyse the role played by human rights law in addressing pressing issues at the global and domestic levels.
  2. Explore both the obstacles encountered and the achievements made in the implementation of human rights across the UK.
  3. Enable dialogue and cooperation among governmental bodies, civil society organisations, and academic institutions to enhance the promotion and protection of human rights.

Day one will consider the integration of human rights treaties into domestic law, as well as UN Human Rights Recommendations at the domestic or devolved level. Participants will explore the challenges and successes of incorporating international human rights treaties into domestic legal frameworks.

Day two will focus on children's rights, gender, and migration. Participants will delve into the challenges and successes of incorporation in these areas, sharing insights from case studies, research, and best practices.

Attendance at the conference is free of charge and open to all who have registered. The conference will only be held in person.

Register to attend the conference.

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