Centre of Environment, Heritage and Policy Seminar series

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Image: Centre of Environment, Heritage and Policy Seminar series

The Centre has a regular Tuesday seminar series, as well as hosting one-off events throughout the year.

Tuesday lunchtime seminars offer a regular point of contact between staff and students with an interest in Environment, Heritage and Policy from across the University, and a warm welcome is also extended to anyone with an interest beyond the University. The aims are to share and ‘test out’ new ideas, seek wider collaboration, disseminate research, strengthen and expand upon the established links between the Divisions, and — most importantly — reinforce a strong and vibrant research culture. We also welcome external speakers. so if you are interested in presenting a seminar, please contact Dr Vanicka Arora. The seminars are very informal and have no single format.

Tuesday lunchtime seminar programme spring 2024

All seminars will be conducted online using Microsoft Teams. To receive an email reminder about meetings, please ask to join the CEHP mailing list – send your email address to Dr Vanicka Arora. You can ask to leave the mailing list at any time.

All seminars will run effectively 13:00 - 13:55 unless stated otherwise.

Calendar of events