MSc Sport Performance Coaching (Online)

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Earn a Masters in Sport Performance Coaching by studying online at Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence and find the winning formula for your career advancement.

Sport Performance Coaching (Online)

Key facts

  • Award Masters / MSc, Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma
  • Start date September 2025
  • Duration MSc part-time: 24 months; PGDip: 18 months; PGCert: 9 months
  • Mode of study part time
  • Delivery online


Established in 2010 as the first course of its kind in Scotland, this innovative online Masters gives experienced coaches the chance to improve their coaching knowledge and skills through cutting-edge best practice and research. The course is also suitable for coach developers who are seeking to enhance their work with coaches.

This MSc Sport Performance Coaching degree will develop your critical analysis skills, improve your problem-solving abilities and teach you innovative solutions to coaching problems. You’ll examine modern best practice in coaching from case studies, peers and leading coaches. Throughout the course, you'll explore and improve your understanding and practice of coaching, developing the skills to critically reflect on decisions, develop smart strategies and boost performance.

Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence

As Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence, we’ve developed an international reputation for delivering sport courses that get results. We bring together leading academics to deliver high-quality teaching in a range of areas – with a primary focus on your future career prospects. We’re closely aligned with many sports bodies and have formal links with a growing number of organisations who can help to facilitate your learning. Our campus is also home to the National Tennis Centre, National Swimming Academy and headquarters of a number of Scottish sport governing bodies and regionals offices including the Scottish Institute of Sport. 

Our Sport Performance Coaching MSc is for experienced coaches and coach developers who wish to extend their expertise alongside their sport-specific qualifications. It will develop your critical analysis and reflective practice skills, enhance your problem-solving capacity and promote innovative solutions for coaching problems.

We’ll help you become a coach or coach developer who can:

  • reflect and challenge personal assumptions and beliefs to improve future performance;
  • critically reflect on decisions in complex and unpredictable situations;
  • recognise and resolve problematic coaching issues through the generation of innovative strategies and solutions;
  • design and implement an optimal learning environment to impact athletes’ performance needs;
  • design and implement a planned and strategic approach to performance improvement;
  • develop and manage appropriate support structures to facilitate improved performance.

Coaches from British Equestrian study for the PGDip Performance Coaching as part of the British Equestrian Level 4 Coaching Certificate.

Coaches from British Rowing study for the PGDip Performance Coaching as part of the British Rowing Advanced Coach Certificate (Level 4). 

While there are no organised placements, to gain the most from the course it is expected that you will be actively coaching or coach developing while you complete your MSc Sport Performance Coaching degree. This will enable you to explore and critically examine your coaching practice and context using the content provided within each module. Tasks frequently require you to gather and critically reflect on insight from your own coaching.

Our flexible degree structure means you can study the following modules from the MSc Sport Performance Coaching (Online) individually as stand-alone continuing professional development (CPD) short courses:

Individual modules can be taken for continuing professional development or grouped for an award such as:

  • Postgraduate Certificate (60 credits, e.g. three 20-credit modules).
  • Postgraduate Diploma (120 credits, e.g. six 20-credit modules).
  • Masters (180 credits, including a 60-credit Applied Coaching Project).

The online delivery ensures you can study when and where it suits you and fit study around your current career.

If you’re interested in studying a module from this course, the Postgraduate Certificate or the Postgraduate Diploma then please email Graduate Admissions to discuss your course of study.

The staff delivering this programme are experienced coaches and also researchers. See individual staff pages for more information. Staff regularly work with Masters students to assist them to publish research conducted as part of the Applied Coaching Project. Examples include:

Ritchie, D. & Allen, J. (2015). ‘Let them get on with it’: Coaches’ perceptions of their roles and coaching practices during Olympic and Paralympic Games. International Sport Coaching Journal, 2, 108-124. 

Ritchie, D., Allen, J., & Kirkland, A. (2018). Where science meets practice: Olympic coaches’ crafting of the tapering process, Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(10), 1145-1154. 

Macdonald, S. & Allen, J. (2019). An examination of the coach-created talent development motivational climate in Canoe Slalom in the United Kingdom. International Sport Coaching Journal, 6(1), 74-87 

Cooper, D. & Allen, J. (2020).  “I don’t want to give them my brain for the day… and then take it back”: An examination of the coach-created motivational climate in adult adventure sports. International Sport Coaching Journal, 7(2), 175-188  

Carroll, M. & Allen, J. (2021). 'Zooming in' on the antecedents of youth sport coaches' autonomy-supportive and controlling interpersonal behaviours: A multimethod study. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 16(2), 236-248  

Mason L, Kirkland A, Steele J & Wright J. (2021). The relationship between Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull variables and athletic performance measures: empirical study of English professional soccer players and meta-analysis of extant literature. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 61 (5), pp. 645-655. 

What our students said

Steven McGinnis
Steven McGinnis
Northern Ireland
MSc Sport Performance Coaching
When I was looking at remote study options, Stirling’s course offered me the content and flexibility I needed. This course was excellent from a personal and professional development challenge. Not only did it broaden my coaching, but it helped me realign the ‘what’ and ‘why’ I coach the way I do. It reinforced my values and principles along with coaching practice and studies. Whether you're an aspiring coach or someone well-experienced in your role, this course has something to offer you.
Read Steven's story
Alex Mollin
Alex Mollin
UK and ROI
MSc Sport Performance Coaching
I would highly recommend this programme to any coach seeking further studies. It has provided me with a valuable range of personal and professional development opportunities.
Read Alex's story
Charlie Ovey
Charlie Ovey
MSc Sport Performance Coaching
The course covered a broad range of topics that have allowed me to expand my professional responsibilities and aspirations. I have been able to improve my performance in my existing role while putting myself in contention for other positions.
Read Charlie's story