MSc Global Politics

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An exciting and specialised programme aimed at preparing you for doctoral study in a sub-field of political science.

Global Politics

Key facts

  • Award Masters / MSc, Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma
  • Start date September 2025
  • Duration 12 months full time; 24 months part time
  • Mode of study full time, part time
  • Delivery on campus


This master's offers a comprehensive foundation that equips you for advanced study, including pursuing a PhD, in the field of politics. 

You’ll learn about international studies, conflict analysis, comparative politics, and international political economy. It’s interdisciplinary, so you can choose modules from different areas like law, politics, and human rights. 

The course encourages original research through a dissertation, and it provides a solid foundation for pursuing a PhD.  

On successful completion of this programme, you should be able to:

  • Analyse the role of different actors and decision-makers in responding to variety of policy challenges.
  • Identify and deepen specialisms within the broad fields of international studies.
  • Articulate the various concepts involved in critical and traditional approaches and the various theoretical and methodological approaches deployed by social scientists to study these.
  • Develop effective and persuasive communication skills and fluency for a wide audience, both lay and academic.
  • Understand and use the basic principles of research design, and evaluate how these principles shape the investigation, analysis and reporting of research problems and data.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the range of qualitative and quantitative research methods and techniques used in social science research.
  • Develop project management and IT skills for information retrieval and research management.

If you’re interested in studying a module from this course, the Postgraduate Certificate or the Postgraduate Diploma then please email Graduate Admissions to discuss your course of study.

REF 2021 results

  • 87% of the University's research has an outstanding or very considerable impact on society.
  • More than 80% of Stirling research is world leading or internationally excellent.
  • Joint 4th in Scotland and joint 43rd in the UK for research impact (Times Higher Education REF 2021: Impact Scores rankings).

Research environment at Stirling commended for enabling excellence and delivering impact.

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