Python for Representing and Manipulating Data

Learn in-demand skills programming in Python to gain insights from data in many different forms.

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Key facts

  • Module codeITNPBD2
  • Start date 10 Jun 2024
  • Application deadline31 May 2024
  • Duration11 weeks
  • Time commitment10 hours per week
  • Credit value SCQF 20
  • SCQF level Level 11
  • Fees £1,167
  • Mode of study part time
  • Delivery online

Fully funded places for this course are now closed. Self-funded applicants are still welcome to apply.


Python is a common and popular programming language for gaining insights from data, from calculating simple statistics to generating professional visualisations and reports. This module starts with the assumption that you have not programmed before, but moves quite quickly through processing simple tabular data onto advanced topics like natural language and image processing. You will learn:

  • Coding in a Jupyter notebook
  • The basics of coding (variables, loops, functions and conditionals)
  • Simple data structures such as lists, dictionaries and sets
  • Processing tabular data with tools like Numpy and Pandas
  • Processing images and natural language, for example product reviews or social media posts

Make the jump from spreadsheets and you will never look back!

Entrance requirements

Previous coding experience is not essential, but experience in processing data in a spreadsheet or other software package will be useful.

Self-funded applicants should have a minimum of a second-class honours degree or equivalent.

English language requirements

If English is not your first language you must have one of the following qualifications as evidence of your English language skills:

  • IELTS Academic or UKVI 6.0 with a minimum of 5.5 in each sub-skill.
  • Pearson Test of English (Academic) 60 overall with a minimum of 59 in each sub-skill.
  • IBT TOEFL 78 overall with a minimum of 17 in listening, 18 in reading, 20 in speaking and 17 in writing.

See our information on English language requirements for more details on the language tests we accept and options to waive these requirements.


When you have completed this course, you will be able to process data from a number of sources including spreadsheets, images and free text. You will know the best ways to represent data in a computer program and be able to manipulate data to gain valuable insights.

Structure and content

The weekly topics are:

  • Data storage formats
  • Running Python and basic data types
  • Basic structures in Python
  • Loops, Conditions and Iterables
  • Functions and generators
  • Files and remote data
  • Tabular data with Numpy and Pandas
  • Data visualisation and geographic data
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Vision and image processing
  • Object Oriented Python

Delivery and assessment

Weekly content is delivered online in a mixture of videos, guided examples and programming exercises. Students can test their knowledge with weekly multiple choice questions.

There are two practical assignments in the form of programming challenges.

Module coordinator


Python coding skills are in high demand among employers. Even if you are not looking for a technical coding or data science role, the ability to analyse data using Python can give you the edge over regular spreadsheet users. 

What next?

Contact us

If you have any questions about entry requirements for our continuing professional development and short courses, contact our Admissions team.

For all other questions, please use our enquiry form.