Sport Strapline

We have introduced the strapline 'Be the difference', which brings our brand to life.

As a core element of the University brand, its presence across all our communications is essential to creating a continuity of message. Therefore please ensure it is applied to all branded materials where physically possible.

Be The Difference strapline example

How to apply our strapline

For design template application, please see our Templates pages to ensure the strapline is positioned and sized correctly in relation to the University logo.

We would recommend the template with the 'Be The Difference' strapline is used for all external promotional materials where possible. For internal materials, the strapline should only be used where appropriate, please think carefully about where it is featuring and if it is relevant on the graphic.

The 'Be the difference' tab can only be used in a Heritage Green or Energy Green version (depending on background colour) as shown below. No other text should sit within the tab, or on top of 'Be the difference'. Always use the master artwork for reproduction.


Download our strapline

You can download our 'Be the difference' strapline in various file formats using the links below.

Heritage strapline tab

Heritage strapline tab

Energy strapline tab

Energy strapline tab

Energy strapline

Energy strapline

Heritage strapline

Heritage strapline