Green and active travel

Our principal aim in green travel is to facilitate the uptake of green travel options. 

Objectives and targets

Key objective: to support and improve green travel options.

Response lead: Estates and Campus Services

How we will achieve this

  • Promoting green travel options and behaviour change through a Green Champions network.
  • Reducing carbon emissions associated with business travel.
  • Working with regional partners to find green travel solutions to help address regional infrastructure challenges.
  • Improving the information available to staff and students regarding the carbon footprint of food and meals on campus and expanding vegan and vegetarian options.

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 logo - Good Health and Wellbeing Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 logo - Partnerships for the Goals


The University’s sustainability strategy seeks to encourage active travel and a modal shift to greener forms of transport through support and promotion which is consistent with Scottish Government’s target to reduce car mileage by 20% by 2030. We recognize that active travel needs to be at the heart of our sustainability strategy. Our progress on green travel has been made possible through continuous investment, funding, and partnerships with various travel bodies. We are committed to reducing the carbon emissions associated with business travel, and to finding greener and more sustainable options for travelling to and from university. We continue to work with Stirling Council on Park and Ride options and potential alternatives to increase green and active travel. We also are taking on board the latest guidance from EAUC and other sector partners on sustainable travel choices and promoting active travel.

We are working with Transport Scotland and regional transport companies to encourage greater use of public transport through initiatives such as discounted travel and the Scottish Government’s free bus travel scheme (from 31 January 2022) for those aged 5-21 years old. We have also played an instrumental role in the development of the Forth Valley Connectivity Commission which is tasked with finding green transport solutions across the Forth Valley Region.

We continue to increase the provision of electric vehicle chargers on campus and will seek to introduce chargers at all the University’s external residences and facilities by 2030. We have also extended the salary sacrifice bike purchase scheme to include electric bikes. Indeed, since the University first subscribed to the cycles scheme in 2016, over 180 bikes have been purchased by staff with an average of 30 cycles per year. We also continue to support bike schemes such as Nextbike to enable users a means of accessing free or low-cost bike hire. The Nextbike scheme has proved to be a great success since its inception in 2014, peaking at over 1,000 campus rentals per month.

We have made significant moves towards the electrification of the University’s transport fleet, and this should be completed by 2025. We have also adopted the use of e-cargo bikes across campus for Estates and Commercial Services Staff which has offset the need for diesel vans. These measures not only support our carbon reduction targets but enhance the health and well-being of our staff and students.

Partnership working is key to achieving our carbon emissions targets. In particular, we value the working relationship with our Students’ Union who have actively contributed throughout the development of this Plan and the setting of sustainability targets. Stirling Students Union delivers a range of activities and plans which are complementary to the University’s Sustainability Plan.

We are committed to working with our regional partners to find sustainable green solutions. Working closely with Stirling, Clackmannanshire, and Falkirk Councils, we are exploring greener forms of travel that will benefit all our communities. We are also exploring alternative forms of energy such as geothermal as an alternative to fossil fuels with a view to the development of local heating systems that will benefit not only the University but surrounding communities. Finally, we are working closely with NHS Forth Valley and our colleagues in Forth Valley College to explore how we can work together to drive down carbon emissions.

Progress on people, green travel, and partnerships is monitored through our Corporate Sustainability Steering Group, and reported via The Scottish Government’s Public Bodies Climate Change Duty (PBCCDR), and via HESA’s Estate Management return.  Progress on fair and inclusive work is reported through a variety of different routes, including the Scottish Government’s Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and HESA’s Staff Record reporting. Staff-related matters are regularly discussed and reviewed through a series of informal meetings with trade union representatives and through the Combined Joint Negotiating and Consultation Committee (CJNCC).