Sustainability staff and groups

Information on the staff and staff groups working on our sustainability agenda.

Corporate Sustainability Steering Group

The Corporate Sustainability Steering Group (CSSG) meets four times a year and is chaired by our Senior Deputy Principal (Operational Strategy and External Affairs).

The Senior Deputy Principal, Professor Malcolm MacLeod, is responsible for the strategic direction of sustainability at the University of Stirling.

The purpose of CSSG is to provide leadership and oversight for sustainability. It supports the development of sustainability targets and goals and the embedding of environmental values into all parts of University activity and operations. Some of the key areas that CSSG considers include:

  • carbon emissions and emissions targets
  • sustainable procurement
  • sustainable travel
  • sustainability policy and related environmental policies
  • embedding sustainability in learning, teaching and research
  • student engagement and Green Champions

You can contact the CSSG on if you want information or want to give feedback on the strategic direction of sustainability by the university.


Senior Deputy Principal (Operational Strategy and External Affairs)


Head of Safety, Environment, Security and Continuity

Head of Procurement

Director of Estates and Campus Services

Environmental Adviser

Head of Policy and Planning

Sustainability Development Co-ordinator (Students' Union)

Sustainability Officer (Students’ Union)

Students’ Union President

Students’ Union Vice President (Communities)

Internal Communications Officer

Lecturer, Faculty of Natural Sciences (Learning, Teaching and Research Rep)

Professor, Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Trade Union Rep)

Planning Support Officer

Green Champions Group

The Green Champions Group is a working group formed of academics, key directorate staff and the Students Union. The role of the group is to take forward the University’s sustainability objectives through actions and initiatives across the whole of the organisation.

It will also form a link between the University’s Corporate Sustainability Steering Group, staff, and students for the exchange of information, ideas and feedback.

If you have any ideas or feedback, or would like to get involved and come along to our meetings, please contact us on


Embedding Sustainability in Learning, Teaching and Research working group

The Embedding Sustainability in Learning, Teaching and Research working group is co-chaired by academics and representatives from the Students’ Union and includes academics from across faculties and student faculty officers.

The working group facilitates the sharing of ideas and best practice on embedding sustainability in learning and teaching including the use of UN SDG’s and Education for Sustainability.

New initiatives on embedding sustainability in research for staff and students, including reducing single use plastics and energy use, are overseen by this working group. Ideas from the working group are communicated to the Corporate Sustainability Steering Group, in events during the Festival of Learning and Teaching and online faculty discussion forums. 

Contact us

Diarmid Burgess is the Environmental Advisor and leads on sustainability, behavioural change and environmental and carbon regulatory compliance. You can contact him at

Alison Morrison is the Head of Safety, Environment and Continuity and can be contacted on

You can also contact the Safety, Environment and Continuity team on our general details.