Overview and key documents
The University has an integrated planning and budgeting process that enables it to review progress against its Strategic Plan and deploy resources effectively to achieve academic and corporate objectives.
The process brings together the academic, financial, infrastructure and support service facets of the University’s business. Each area of the University has an operational plan with a three-year time-horizon supported by a robust set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Plans are updated annually to identify priorities that will contribute to Strategic Plan targets.
The development of plans is an iterative process that takes place between November and February each academic year. Individual plans are reviewed by the Planning Review Group (PRG), which is chaired by the Senior Deputy Principal. Recommendations are incorporated into the Plan for Academic Success (PAS) and are reflected in the University Budget – which are presented for approval to the June meeting of University Court.
University staff can access further information about the integrated planning and budgeting process by contacting: planning@stir.ac.uk