8.1 General Information

This category covers general information about how to make contact with the institution. It includes information about how to complain about the institution, and how to serve formal documents on it. It is aimed at providing very general information for the public. More detailed information will be provided in other categories.

Name and address

The name of the institution and the address of its principal office

University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA, Scotland

Principal Officers

Names of the principal officers of the institution

Principal, Deputy Principals, Deans, Secretary, Directors of major administrative functions. Roles and responsibilities of senior officers. Responsibilities of and (work related) biographical details of the people who make strategic and operational decisions about the performance of function and/or delivery of services:

Senior Officers

Contact information

Information on how to contact the institution
Information on initial point of contact covering areas likely to be of interest to enquirers e.g. admissions:

Contact details


Information on the institution's principal and other main locations, including campus maps

Maps and travel information for the campus at Stirling:

Getting here

Opening hours

Opening hours of the institution's principal office(s)

Normal office hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday, excluding days of closure.

Academic year dates

Information on the dates of the institution's academic years

Dates for the current academic year as well as future academic years, as far as known: 

Semester dates


Dates of closure of the institution

The University is closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday.  It is also closed for 8 working days around Christmas and New Year.


Procedures on how to complain about the institution

Procedures for handling complaints by students on academic matters (academic appeals):

Student academic appeals and complaints

Procedures for handling complaints on non-academic matters:

Complaints handling procedure

Complaints Policy for Members of the Public:

Complaints handling procedure

Customer codes

Student Code

Document serving

Contact details for serving legal documents on the institution , e.g Court Orders

Official documents should be submitted to the

University Secretary
University of Stirling
Stirling, FK9 4LA.

September 2022