When to apply
The deadline for submitting applications is the end of teaching for the relevant semester. The documentation you need to provide, and the financial implications, will depend on the timing of your application.
A leave of absence is an authorised break or suspension from studies. During a leave of absence, you are not in attendance at the university. No studies are undertaken, and no supervision is provided.
Undergraduate regulations permit students to take a maximum of 24 months cumulative leave of absence.
Postgraduate taught regulations permit students to take a maximum of 12 months cumulative leave of absence (24 months for part-time students).
Postgraduate research regulations permit students to take a maximum of 24 months cumulative leave of absence. Further information can be found in the Code of Practice.
How to apply for a leave of absence from your studies
Depending on your circumstances, there may be alternative solutions to help you continue your studies without a leave of absence. Your personal tutor will be able to help you identify alternatives and refer you to appropriate support. If you decide that a leave of absence is necessary, your adviser of studies (undergraduate) or programme director (PGT) can advise you on the appropriate time to return to your studies.
You should discuss your circumstances with your supervisory team, who will be able to advise if a leave of absence is the best course of action. Your supervisory team can advise you on the appropriate time to return to your studies
At the university, we offer an extensive range of support services. You can find more information about the support available on the Student Support Services webpages.
Taking a leave of absence may impact your fees and funding. Please refer to the university’s Tuition Fee Policy for more information. The tuition fee liability is linked to when in the academic year you apply for a leave of absence, not to which modules or semesters you have completed. It is likely that if you apply for a leave of absence part way through an academic year, you will pay more for your course overall. If you have any questions about the financial implications of a leave of absence, please contact Fees and Matriculation on fees.matriculation@stir.ac.uk before you apply.
If you are in the UK with immigration permission, you should be aware that taking a leave of absence will have consequences for your visa. It is important that you understand the implications for your visa before submitting your leave of absence application. To discuss the implications, please contact Student Immigration Services on studentimmigration@stir.ac.uk before you apply.
The deadline for submitting applications is the end of teaching for the relevant semester. The documentation you need to provide, and the financial implications, will depend on the timing of your application.
If you apply for a leave of absence within the first two weeks of the semester, before the module selection deadline, the modules you have selected for the semester will be removed from your record. After the module selection deadline, the modules you have selected for the semester will remain on your record and a ‘not completed’ grade (NC) will be applied to them. After the last day of teaching - the leave of absence deadline - the modules you have selected for the semester will remain on your record and your faculty will upload the appropriate grade.
If you have outstanding assessment from a previous semester, such as a resit or deferred exam, or a coursework resubmission, you may choose to undertake this reassessment during your leave of absence. If you do not attempt the reassessment, your faculty will upload either a fail grade, such as a marginal fail (FM) or clear fail (FC), or a ‘module requirements not met’ grade (X).
If you are undertaking a module which runs over more than one semester, e.g. it begins in autumn and continues in spring, you will be required to restart the entire module on return from leave of absence.
If you have already started your dissertation, you may be required to restart the entire module, with a new dissertation topic on return from leave of absence. Please discuss the impact of your leave of absence on your dissertation with your dissertation supervisor before you apply.
Please discuss the programme of study for your return from leave of absence with your adviser of studies (UG) or programme director (PGT). During the application process you will be asked to provide more information, such as whether you will undertake standard semesters, as per your degree programme table; additional modules; or a variant programme (undertake modules in a different order to the degree programme table). Taking an additional module will incur additional university fees, not covered by standard tuition fee funding.
Depending on your academic results, and when you submit your leave of absence application, your programme of study for your return may require you to temporarily change your mode of attendance. Changing your mode of attendance from full-time to part-time will impact your eligibility for tuition fee funding and student loans. Please contact your funding body to clarify what this will mean for you.
Depending on your academic results, and when you submit your leave of absence application, you may be required to undertake a period of repeat study on your return. Repeat study will incur additional university fees and may impact your eligibility for tuition fee funding and student loans. Please contact your funding body to clarify what this will mean for you.
Taking a leave of absence will extend your studies and result in a new end date. Your record will be updated, and your new end date confirmed to you once your leave of absence has been granted. The end date on your electronic student ID card on the University of Stirling app, should update shortly after your leave of absence is processed. For an updated hard copy of your student ID card, please visit the Student Services Hub, in Campus Central.
The link to the leave of absence application form can be found on your Portal homepage, under the ‘Programme’ section. During the application process you will be asked to provide a range of information, including the dates you wish your leave of absence to start and end, reasons for the leave of absence, and details of your current and future studies. You may also be required to upload relevant supporting documentation (medical or other).
Leave of absence applications for nursing and paramedic science students are arranged through the faculty. Please contact your personal tutor to apply for a leave of absence. If, for any reason, you are unable to reach your personal tutor, please contact the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport Undergraduate Team on fhss.ug@stir.ac.uk for support.
Postgraduate research students should apply for a leave of absence via the Research Compass link on your Portal homepage. The leave of absence application can be accessed on the ‘Formal Stuff’ tab. You will be required to enter the dates you wish your leave of absence to start and end; provide a statement explaining the reason(s) for your application; and upload any relevant supporting documentation (medical or other) that covers the dates you have entered.
When you submit your application, your principal supervisor will be asked to provide a supporting statement. If you are a UKRI-funded student, we will seek approval from your funder before progressing your application.
We aim to consider and provide you with an email update on the progress of your leave of absence application, within 10 working days.
If you take a leave of absence you will need to leave university accommodation. If you have any other queries regarding your university accommodation, please contact Accommodation Services.
If you take a leave of absence and reside in private accommodation, you may no longer be eligible for a council tax exemption and may need to start paying council tax. You should discuss this with your local council.
You can still use the university campus facilities as normal whilst on a leave of absence.
You can contact the Student Services Hub to discuss any support needs you may have whilst on leave of absence.
Whilst on a leave of absence, the Department of Work and Pensions will still consider you a student. In most cases, students are not entitled to job-seekers allowance, or any other benefits, but there may be some exceptions. If you have questions about benefits, please contact the Money Support Team.
We require student consent to be able to discuss their leave of absence application with a parent or next of kin. To give consent, students should submit a Third Party Disclosure Form to the Student Services Hub from their university email address. We understand there may be times when it is not possible for this to be done in advance, and if this is the case, please contact the Student Services Hub directly and they will be able to advise of the next steps.