Information for candidates

We want your exams to go as smoothly as possible so we have created a Student Guide to Examinations, which you should read carefully before undertaking any exams.

Book a desk for remote exams

If you are due to sit an online examination remotely and don’t have a suitable space to take it or would prefer to make use of University space, you can book an exam space online within three weeks of the start of the diet.

The venues will be bookable on a first come first served basis. 

Exam adjustments

Exam adjustments need to be confirmed with Accessibility and Inclusion at least three weeks before an exam period starts. Exam arrangements agreed after this time will not be in place until the start of the next exam period unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Extenuating circumstances

During the course of your study, you may encounter personal difficulties that are not in your control and might impact your ability to sit an exam. Find out more about how to apply for extenuating circumstances.

Deferred exams

A deferred exam is a concession intended to allow a student who is unable to attend on the date first set, or who is compelled by illness to leave before the completion of an exam, to take an exam at a later date.  Further information can be found in our deferred exams section.

IT support during an exam period

IT enquiries and support are available 24/7 via the LiveChat function on the portal or by emailing

When you email the Information Centre out of hours you will get an email back from

Religious observance

You should complete the Religious Observance form to identify potential days/dates which might clash with University exams.  The University will make reasonable efforts to address any clashes when the exam timetable is drafted.  However, constraints placed on the timetable might make this impossible given the logistics of scheduling a very large number of exams involving hundreds of students within a limited exam period.