Enrolment dates

You will be contacted through your University email when you are required to enrol.


Enrolment opens 

Course start date

19 August 2024

9 September 2024

For other courses with different start dates, enrolment normally opens two weeks before your course start date. Your course start date will be confirmed to you in your offer letter, and you will receive an email to your University email account to let you know when you can enrol.

Access students

Enrolment dates for September 2024 intake will be published in June 2024.

Forth Valley College students

Enrolment dates for September 2024 intake will be published in June 2024.


Enrolment opens

Course start date

2 September 2024

23 September 2024



Your enrolment will open 10 days before your start date. You will receive an email from Student Administration (Fees & Matriculation) informing you that enrolment is now available for you.

Study abroad

Enrolment opens

Course start date

19 August 2024

9 September 2024

International Summer School

Block 1

Enrolment opens

Course start date

27 May 2024

8 June 2024


Block 2

Enrolment opens

Course start date

24 June 2024

6 July 2024