Quality assurance and enhancement

The University of Stirling values the highest academic and professional standards and our framework for quality assurance and enhancement seeks to support consistently excellent quality within teaching, learning, and the student experience.

The University’s framework adheres to the requirements of the national quality assurance and enhancement arrangements in Scotland.

These arrangements include continuing cycles of external review of the University’s academic standards and quality and its ongoing enhancement of the student learning experience. Reviews are managed and coordinated by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).


The University has consistently achieved the QAA Quality Mark as a result of external reviews and QAA has confirmed:

"This higher education provider has been awarded the QAA Quality Mark for meeting or exceeding UK expectations for quality and standards in its latest QAA."

QAA Quality Assured Scotland

The links below provide information on current quality assurance and enhancement arrangements, which are managed and operated in the University by the Academic Quality and Governance team within Academic Registry.

If you have any queries on this information, please contact the team at quality@stir.ac.uk.