Information Centre

The Information Centre is the information hub of Information Services. It is located on Level 2 of the University Library. The Information Centre staff are always ready to help with any Library and IT-related enquiries and questions about the library, digital learning technology and other information needs and services you might need to learn, research and work here.

To contact us:

Two people in the information centre A person getting advice in the information centre Image of a student at the Information Centre Image of a student borrowing books

What can we help you with?

The Information Centre is the main Information Services enquiry point, we can therefore answer questions concerned with helping you to make use of the various facilities and services provided by Information Services:

  • the University Library: space, collections and e-resources;
  • staff workspace: purchasing hardware and software; software installation and support; university phones; printing and copying services;
  • online learning tools including Canvas, Listen Again, Turnitin;
  • communications tools: email, Teams, collaboration tools;
  • University Learning Spaces: the central computing labs and lecture theatres;
  • network and cloud file management services;
  • network account administration;
  • University Wi-fi services: eduroam and public Wi-fi.

You are welcome to bring questions to the Information Centre. Our staff will do what we can to help you within the following guidelines: the Centre offers first-level support, where your question cannot be answered at the desk, it will be referred to the relevant team within Information Services.

UniDesk Self-Service Portal – for our staff and students

The Information Centre uses UniDesk to manage all your questions/fault reports.  An enormous amount of IT information is available to you in UniDesk Self-Service Portal including:

  • huge FAQ database with powerful search engine;
  • web forms to request standard services;
  • log your own call directly with IT, Library, the Student Services Hub or the Faculty of Social Sciences (all UniDesk users);
  • monitor the progress of your call or modify/update it yourself.

You can access UniDesk via the University Portal home page or by visiting Unidesk Self Service.

Reach us via Email:

IT enquiries: or fill in our Ask IT form on UniDesk

Library enquiries: or fill in our Ask the Library form on UniDesk

Semester Opening Hours

IT enquiries. Mon-Fri 09:00-20.00, weekends 10.00-17.00

  • core service for staff and students is 09:00-17:00 Monday-Friday
  • evening and weekend service (Mon-Fri 5-8 and Weekends 10-5) is primarily in support of students and users of the Library building. Staff calls may be logged to the daytime staff if the assistant on duty is unable to assist.

Library enquiries.  Mon-Fri 08.30-20.00, weekends 10.00-17.00

Vacation Opening Hours

During vacation periods the Library and IT enquiries services work at reduced capacity.

IT enquiries: Mon-Tues 09:00-20:00, Wednesdays, 09:00 to 17:00, Thursdays 09:00 to 20:00, Fridays 09:00 to 17:00, Saturdays 10:00 to 14:00, Sundays 10:00 to 17:00.

Library enquiries:  Mon-Thurs 08:30 to 20:00, Fridays 08:30 to 17:00, weekends 10:00 to 17.00.

The Library study zone in Campus Central is open 24/7, 365 days a year. 

Getting around

Stirling campus

University of Stirling
Scotland UK

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