University of Stirling signs DORA
University of Stirling has now signed DORA
The University of Stirling signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) at the beginning of March 2020.
Judith Philips, Deputy Principal (Research) said “The University of Stirling has a commitment to enhancing its research excellence. By signing DORA, we are highlighting our concern over the use of quantitative indicators as a proxy for research quality and that we want to put forward a fair and transparent mechanism for monitoring and reporting research performance”
The University Research Committee set up a working to help formulate a University policy on responsible metrics. The following recommendations were agreed at the University Research Committee in February 2020.
The University signs the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
The University adopts a policy for research evaluation using quantitative data to provide clear guidance to staff who wish to use quantitative evaluation measures.
There is a need for ownership of this policy at a senior level.
Assessment of individual research performance using solely quantitative indicators would not be supported.
Recognise that creating the policy is the starting point in this process.
Put forward a fair and transparent mechanism for monitoring and reporting research performance. This should also be applied to recruitment and assessment of research performance.
The members of this working group are currently:
- Professor Rachel Norman, Dean of Research Performance and Engagement
- Corinne Critchlow-Watton, Research Development Officer