Office Online

Access your favourite Office apps online - work from anywhere

As part of our Office 365 subscription, all staff and students can download the full Office suite (PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Outlook) on up to five devices. Alternatively, Office 365 gives easy access to the Office apps online:

  • from OneDrive, you can go to the 'New' menu and choose to start a Word, PowerPoint, Excel online document. The advantage of this approach is that your document will automatically be saved back to OneDrive so there is little chance of losing a document.
  • from student email: go to the App launcher in the top left corner and select the office app you want to use (Word, Excel etc)
  • staff can go to OneDrive or directly to the online apps from the Office portal (linked from the staff portal also)

office online logo

Office Online Quick Starts

Microsoft have created a series of Quick Start videos for Office online.


Training resources

There are some introductory Office tutorials in our Stirling Essentials module:

Word basics - word processing your assignments

PowerPoint basics - creating a presentation

Microsoft Resources

Word for Windows video training (link to Word for Mac also)

Excel for Windows video training  (link to Excel for Mac also)

PowerPoint for Windows video training  (link to PowerPoint for Mac also)

OneNote video training

Download the full Office suite onto your own laptop/MacBook

Staff and students of the University are allowed to download the Microsoft suite of software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint etc) under the university licence while you are associated with the uni. Downloaded software will require regular authentication against your University account to ensure you are still associated with the University.  

Go to and login.  You can then download the various products you want.

You can download Microsoft software from within your student email account - go to and check in the Settings menu under 'Install Software' to find software for download.

Download the Office app suite to your mobile device

iOS (iPhone, iPad)
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive are all available for your apple devices.  You can download them from the App Store on your device.  There are also other Microsoft apps you might find useful.  See a full list here.

Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive are all available for your Android devices.  Download them from the Play Store on your device.  See a full list of the Microsoft app suite here.

Windows 10 Mobile
Download the Office apps from the Microsoft store.  Full list.

Help page
See Microsoft's page on setting up the Office apps and email on a mobile device.