Core information

Key information on our policies and procedures, financial details and insurance policies.

Policies and procedures

Anti-bribery policy

This policy sets out our responsibilities in upholding our position on bribery and corruption. It provides information and guidance on how to recognise and deal with bribery and corruption issues.

Download our anti-bribery policy

Anti-money laundering policy

The anti-money laundering policy aims to ensure that the University and our employees comply with the legislation and apply the highest standards of due diligence.

Download our anti-money laundering policy 

Card payment policy

The purpose of this policy is to set out the requirements of the PCI DSS in respect of the transmission, processing and storage of cardholder data, and the key responsibilities in maintaining compliance PCI DSS.

Card Payment Policy

See also: Card Payment Policy - Operating Guidelines

Business travel and expenses policy

This document sets out the University’s policy on expenditure and reimbursement of travel, subsistence, entertaining and other expenses incurred in the course of the University’s business. It also provides guidance to enable such activity to comply with relevant legal and financial regulations.

Download business travel and expenses policy


University's Financial Regulation

This document gives practical guidance on the our policies relating to financial administration and control. It applies to the University and all its subsidiary undertakings.

Download information on the university's financial regulation

Fraud policy

We have a responsibility to take all reasonable steps to prevent the occurrence of fraud. The policy sets out procedures for fraud prevention and detection and the investigating and reporting of fraud.

Download our fraud policy

Procurement policies and procedure

Our procurement policies aim to obtain best value for money on all non-pay expenditure within the legislative framework for public procurement in Scotland.

Download information on our procurement policies and procedures

Socially Responsible Investment Policy

This policy pursues an ethical approach to investment in accordance with the University's Ethical Code, whilst minimising any potential adverse impact on investment returns.

Download our socially responsible investment policy

Financial Administration of Research Projects

This document provides direction on good financial practices to aid you with managing your budget effectively and within the correct guidelines.

Download our financial administration of research projects document

Academic Registry

Information including quality assurance, academic regulations and academic policy and practice.


Information on the University's insurance policies including commercial property and contents, motor vehicles, personal accident/travel, and the legal liabilities such as employers’ liability, public liability, and professional indemnity.


Information on Value Added Tax, income and expenditure.

Contact us

Finance Office

3Z, Cottrell Building
University of Stirling

+44 (0) 1786 467124