Display Screen Equipment
The University has an online system that provides basic information on how to set up and use your workstation and also how to carry out an assessment of your workstation. All staff using a computer are asked to complete the training and workstation assessment.
If, when carrying out the workstation assessment, you feel that there are problems with your desk, chair or peripheral equipment e.g. mouse, keyboard, wrist rest, that you are not able to resolve yourself, you should contact your Faculty or Service area Workstation Assessor. If problems persist you can also contact Innovate Health Care who are our Occupational Health providers to arrange for a more in-depth assessment of your workstation.
The Occupational Health Assessors may recommend changes to your workstation layout or the way in which you use it. In some cases, they may recommend changes to the equipment that you use e.g. mouse, keyboard, desk or chair so that the most appropriate equipment that meets your needs can be provided. Peripheral equipment, such as a mouse or keyboard, or any other specialised equipment such as an adjustable desk or orthopaedic chair should be purchased through your Faculty or Service area budget, the company we use for this equipment is Posturite Limited as they provide an aftercare service to the University.
Eyesight screening
The University has made arrangements to offer eyesight screening to all staff who use a computer at work. This is available by obtaining a Specsavers Eyecare e-voucher from Safety, Environment & Continuity Office (SEC) (tanya.cairns@stir.ac.uk) which can be used at a local optician (currently Specsavers). The voucher enables you to have a specific eyesight examination for working with computers and, if correction is required at that focal length, you can obtain a basic pair of glasses. The costs for the vouchers are met by the University. You can specify a more expensive frame and/or lens coatings but the cost for these additional items are met by you.
WorkRite training and assessment e-learning courses
Logging into WorkRite
To log onto WorkRite, use the link via the main Portal page under the heading 'My Staff Life’ - ‘I want to…’ then select the ‘Health & Safety Training (WorkRite)’ link. You should not be asked for a password to log into WorkRite as we use the single sign-on for this site so, once you have been registered on the system you will no longer have to remember a username and password to gain access. You may get locked out if you attempt to use a password.
If you have not yet been set up on WorkRite, or if you have any issues logging onto WorkRite, contact Tanya Cairns via email tanya.cairns@stir.ac.uk. Tanya will set you up on WorkRite so you can login and start your mandatory training.