Environment and safety

The Estates and Campus Services team is responsible for looking after the University’s properties and grounds ensuring that the University meets important legislative requirements around safety, energy management and environmental sustainability.

We are also working with other areas of the university to advance our sustainability goals.

Public Bodies Climate Change Duties

This report complies with the statutory duty placed on public bodies in Scotland to report activity on sustainability, climate change adaptation and carbon reduction. It contains summary information on the University estate, carbon emissions, governance, procurement, adaptation and wider sustainability activity. Information and data contained in the report will be based on past or recent information and data pertaining to the respective reporting period.

Read our Public Bodies Climate Change Duties reports.

Sustainability Plan (2022-28)

Estates and Campus Services coordinates the University's Sustainability Plan which details the actions we need to take to address the many environmental and sustainability challenges we face as a university.

Find out more about we are doing for sustainability.

Contact us

 Contact the Safety, Environment and Continuity team