University Court

The University Court is the governing body of the University, working to the Nine Principles of Public Life in Scotland: duty, selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability and stewardship, openness, honesty, leadership and respect.

The Court is responsible for the following key areas:

  • mission, vision and strategy of the University
  • University students and staff
  • financial systems and control environment
  • corporate governance
  • senior management of the University

The Chair of the Court is responsible for the leadership and effectiveness of Court and ensures that the University is well connected with its stakeholders, including its staff and students. The Chair ensures that Court members work together effectively and efficiently, and have confidence in the procedures laid down for the conduct of business.

University Court information

Register of interests

Court maintains a Register of Interests into which members of University Court and officers declare any personal, business or other interest which may, or may be perceived by a reasonable member of public to, influence their judgement and the University’s decision making process.

Court agendas, minutes and papers

Review of Court effectiveness

A copy of the summary report from the last review of Court Effectiveness is available here Court Effectiveness Report

Induction and training

Induction is arranged for new members when required. New members will be contacted about this to arrange suitable times. For ongoing training the University makes use of AdvanceHE Governors Development Programme which provides opportunities for governors to continually develop their skills.

Details of courses currently being offered are available below:

Governor Development Programme (GDP) | Advance HE

Court documentation

Report on the Chair of Court Election and Procedure

The University recently undertook a process to appoint a Chair of its Governing Body, the University Court, in accordance with the requirements of the HE Governance (Scotland) Act 2016.

Report on Chair of Court Election for Publication


The University of Stirling's coat of arms dates back to November 1966 and, following application to the Lord Lyon, the University gained its University status by Royal Charter on 27 December 1967.

The coat of arms is reserved for ceremonial purposes, graduation certificates and the Principal and Vice-Cancellor's Office only.

The coat of arms may be described as an arched bridge topped by a tower and surrounded by open books. The bridge may represent a governor or magistrate, the tower safety and guardianship, while the open books have clear associations with learning and knowledge. The imagery portrays the University as an official guardian entrusted with the safekeeping of the process of imparting knowledge, whilst willingly serving the public.

On a more visual level, the three elements of the coat of arms may be interpreted as a reflection of the University’s striking location in a historic Scotland, suggesting as they do Stirling Bridge, the National Wallace Monument and the University itself.

University crest

University Court membership

Membership of Court is defined in Statute 9 in the University Calendar.  Chaired by a lay member, it comprises:

  • The Principal
  • The Convenor of Stirling Council
  • The President and Vice President of the University of Stirling Students’ Union
  • One member nominated by the Chancellor
  • The Senior Deputy Principal
  • Six members of Academic Council, of which no fewer than two should be non-professorial
  • One member from the University of Stirling Alumni
  • Up to eleven other lay members (non-University staff)
  • One member appointed by Staff Assembly not being a member of Academic Staff

The University Secretary and Service Directors from across the University also attend Court meetings on a regular basis.  Court is serviced by a Clerk to Court from Policy and Planning.

Harry Adam

Harry Adam

Chair of Court

Members of the University Court

Graham Hastie

Graham Hastie

Lay member from 2019

Catriona Morrison MBE

Catriona Morrison MBE

Lay member from 2016

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Dr Clare Wilson

Member of Academic Staff from 2023

Deborah Keith

Dr Deborah Keith

Lay member from 2023

Douglas Kearney

Douglas Kearney

Lay member from 2019

mary allison

Dr Mary Allison

Lay Member from 2019

Poonam Gupta

Dr Poonam Gupta

Lay member from 2022

Elaine Watterson

Elaine Watterson

Provost of Stirling

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Hamish Grossart

Lay member from 2017

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Julian Roberts

Lay member from 2022

kenny fraser

Kenny Fraser

Lay member from 2019

Professor Kirstie Blair, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Professor Kirstie Blair

Member of Academic Staff from 2023

Leen Ali 260x320

Leen Ali

Student member from 2023

Lynne Marr

Lynne Marr

Lay member from 2023

Magdalena smiling

Dr Magdalena Ietswaart

Member of Academic Staff from 2023

Pamela Crawford

Pamela Crawford

Member of Professional Services Staff from 2020

julie tinson

Professor Julie Tinson

Academic Council Representative from 2022

Professor Malcolm MacLeod

Professor Malcolm MacLeod BSc, PhD, FRSA, FBPsS

Senior Deputy Principal (Operational Strategy and External Affairs)

susan gordon

Susan Gordon Hardy

Lay Member from 2019

William Stancer

William Stancer

Lay member from 2022

Zoe smiling

Zoe Crosher

Student member from 2023

Gary Fleming

Member of Professional Services Staff from 2022