Joanna Morrow
Deputy Secretary and Executive Director of Student, Academic and Corporate Services
Joanna Morrow was appointed as Deputy Secretary in June 2014. She had been the University’s Academic Registrar since 2007.
She joined the University of Stirling in 2004 from the University of Warwick, where she was Academic Services Manager for the Warwick Business School. Prior to this, Joanna held a number of roles in academic and commercial services at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh and the University of Edinburgh.
A graduate of the University of Edinburgh, she has more than 30 years of experience in the higher education sector and is a member of the Association of Higher Education Professionals.
Student, Academic and Corporate Services (SACS) provide integrated and proactive professional services that plan, focus and support the University’s
As a team, SACS support the student-graduate journey, from welcome and enrolment, skills and wellbeing support, awards and graduation, and graduate outcomes.
The Deputy Secretary is supported by a senior management team comprising the Academic Registrar, the Head of Policy and Planning, the Director of Student Services, the Director of Student and Faculty Operations and the Head of Student Skills and Employability.
Rebecca Gilchrist
PA to Deputy Secretary and Directorate Office Manager