Car parking information for visitors
If you wish to park when parking charges apply, the best way to pay is using the RingGo app or by pay-by-phone. This page provides further information about these schemes, but if you have questions about any aspect of car parking on campus, please refer to the University's Traffic and Parking Regulations, or contact the Car Parking Office, Cottrell Room 4Z2, +44 (0) 1786 466065.
Parking information for staff and students, including information about parking permits, can be found on staff and student internal sites.
On this page
How to pay for parking
Parking charges apply Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm all year round, excluding Christmas and New Year's Day.
RingGo and pay-by-phone
You can pay for individual parking sessions by:
- Using the RingGo app
- Pay by phone through RingGo: 020 3046 0060
- Contacting the Car Parking Office, where payment will be taken over the phone: 01786 466065
Drivers wishing to use this service will be charged for calls at their prevailing network rate. Additional charges apply for optional text message services that include:
- Reminder that your allocated parking time is about to expire (costs 10p/transaction)
- Top-up service to extend your parking time (costs 10p/transaction)
Parking session duration | Cost |
Up to 2 hours (no return policy applies) | Free |
2 to 4 hours | £3.00 |
4+ hours | £5.00 |
Should you require further information, please contact the Car Parking Office either by phone on 01786 466065, extension 6065 or by email:
Extend your parking session
If you can't get back to your car in time, you can extend your parking time by either calling RingGo (020 3046 0060) or by processing this via the RingGo App where additional payment will be required.
Blue badge holders
Parking at the University is free of charge for council-issued blue badge holders, but you must register your vehicle so we can update the car parking system. This can be done by calling the car parking office on 01786 466065.
Parking for events at the University
If your event takes place during normal office and charging hours of 09:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday, you will need to pay for parking. If your event/visit takes place out with these times, no parking charges apply, for example at weekends.
Airthrey Park Medical Centre parking
Parking for patients at Airthrey Medical Centre is free of charge.
Parking enforcement
Vehicles that do not have a valid permit or have otherwise breached the University’s Traffic and Parking Regulations, will be issued with a parking charge notice (PCN), requiring payment of £60. This will be reduced to £30 if paid within 14 days of the date of the notice. Failure to pay a PCN within 28 days may result in formal debt collection procedures and/or disciplinary action. Except in those cases where there is a valid outstanding appeal, permit applications for the subsequent car parking year will not be allowed until all outstanding parking debts have been paid.
Typical parking breaches include:
- Not having a valid parking permit.
- Not paying the appropriate fee for the full duration of your stay during the charging times.
- Parking on double-yellow lines or hatched areas.
- Parking in a disabled bay without displaying a valid disabled badge.
- Parking on grass verges or grassed areas.
- Obstructive parking.
- Parking outside of marked bays.
- Parking in a service vehicles bay.
- Parking in an unauthorised or restricted area.
- Parking in an electric vehicle bay without being a genuine electric-powered vehicle or for more than 4 hours.
- Parking in the car charged spaces that are reserved for vehicles that have been charged.
University security staff patrol all car parks and roadways on a regular basis. Where a vehicle is judged to be in breach of the University's Traffic and Parking Regulations, a PCN will be issued, and photographic evidence of the breach recorded. This information is then passed to First Parking LLP who will:
- issue reminder letters to those who have been issued with a PCN and have not responded within the prescribed timescales;
- manage the recovery of all campus-based PCN debt;
- deal with all initial PCN appeals.
Payment of a Parking Charge Notice issued by First Parking (FP) can be made via:
- Online:
- Phone: 03330236550
- Post by sending a cheque or postal order made payable to: First Parking LLP, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N3AX - Or you can appeal online by visiting
If for whatever reason you think an error has been made with the issuance of a PCN and there is a case for a valid appeal, this should be made directly to First Parking LLP within 28 days of issue.
In those circumstances where your parking appeal has been received by First Parking LLP and subsequently rejected in accordance with the University’s Traffic and Parking Regulations, you may submit a final right of appeal to the Parking on Private Land Appeals (POPLA). Further information on POPLA will be given by First Parking LLP.
There remains a further right of appeal to the University (, whose decision will be final.
Frequently asked questions
The management of car parking is essential to ensure a safe and accessible environment for all campus users. The University reviews the arrangements for parking each year to ensure that, as far as practical, the demand for parking and the availability of spaces is optimised. The Parking Permit system was introduced in September 2000 in response to ever-increasing congestion and associated hazards caused by inappropriate and dangerous parking on campus.
To provide an alternative to parking on campus, we have promoted travel options and encouraged students and staff to benefit from these where possible.
The charges fund the costs associated with the service both in terms of capital investment in equipment and annual running costs for maintenance and staff resources. Most people who choose to drive to their place of work must pay for parking and the University's action is no different. Core funds cannot be used to subsidise this activity.
Yes. It will be up to individual departments to refund any car parking charges to the relevant visitors where applicable.
Generally, it is not possible to reserve a car parking space except for certain specific University events or for individuals detailed within the University's guest car parking and reservations policy.
You can still complete the Reserve a Car Parking Space Request Form and email it to copying it to
The University campus is one of the most beautiful in Europe and its development is very carefully considered to ensure that it remains this way. It is also a designated Historic Garden and Designed Landscape, which aims to ensure that its landscape setting is protected. Further, all planning authorities are reluctant to allow the creation of additional parking and expect organisations to limit demand by offering alternative means of travel.
While a new car park was recently constructed on the south side of the campus, this had to meet strict planning requirements which took account of the loss of existing car parking space, as a result of the construction of the new INTO Building and the redevelopment of the Sports Centre.
Electric vehicle charging stations are located within Cottrell car park, at the rear of the Pathfoot Building and at the Polwarth Building.
Charges will apply - see the ChargePlace Scotland website for the latest tariff. A maximum charging time of 4 hours applies, after which users should move their vehicles to an alternative designated parking space. Users must still purchase a valid car parking permit or pay for parking.
Each car manufacturer provides vehicle-specific charging instructions, and instructions are provided on the charging terminals.
Find more information on electric vehicle charging on the ChargePlace Scotland website.
Alternative travel options
Alternatives to travelling to/from campus by single occupancy car journey can be found by visiting the Getting Here section of the University website.
Young people under 22 who live in Scotland are entitled to free nationwide bus travel. Find out more at