Faculty of Social Sciences staff directory

Faculty Executive

Staff details
Column one lists staff members, column two lists job titles, column three lists a contact email address.
Professor Liz Forbat Deputy Dean elizabeth.forbat1@stir.ac.uk
Dr Duncan Helm Head of Division for Social Work duncan.helm@stir.ac.uk
Dr Melanie Lovatt

Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching

Dr Sarah Wilson Head of Division for SSPC sarah.wilson@stir.ac.uk
Professor Peter Matthews Co-Associate Dean for Research peter.matthews@stir.ac.uk
Professor Jane Callaghan Co-Associate Dean of Research  jane.callaghan@stir.ac.uk
Dr Stella Mouroutsou Associate Dean of Internationalisation stella.mouroutsou@stir.ac.uk
Professor Angela Creese Associate Dean for Postgraduate Research a.e.creese@stir.ac.uk
Dr Marina Shapira Faculty Chief Examiner  marina.shapira@stir.ac.uk
Ms Francesca Menoni Operations Manager francesca.menoni@stir.ac.uk
Professor Lizzie Rushton  Head of Division for Education  lizzie.rushton@stir.ac.uk
Dr Grant Gibson Head of Division for Dementia & Ageing grant.gibson@stir.ac.uk


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