Public Services and Governance Research Group
We produce research on public service change, reform and leadership and the experiences of service users and citizens in a range of social policy and social work areas.
Our research outputs help public services respond to contemporary, global challenges:
- austerity and increased demand
- housing need and an ageing population
- increased citizen participation in a context of political upheaval
- related changes in the delivery and governance of services
Within Scotland, a key focus of our research is on understanding the impact of devolution for policy development and implementation.
Developing advanced coproduced and participatory research with service-users and with public servants to improve outcomes for citizens is a further important focus.
The group’s current research priorities include:
- inequalities in service delivery and access
- delivering equality particularly in under-researched groups
- place-making and place-based service delivery
- coproduction with service users and communities
- coproduction of research with policy customers and communities
- digital citizenship and new methods of engagement with services