
Research in Education has been an established part of the University of Stirling since it received its charter in 1967. We are now a world-leading centre of excellence in educational research with a distinctive focus at the nexus of theory and practice.

Our mission is to undertake high-quality research which provides evidence for decision-makers at every level of education, from the classroom to government, and from the local to the global. We think critically, ethically and experimentally about education; also offering innovative contributions to research methodology.

Our work contributes to a critical, imaginative and creative thinking and practice of educational research as well as resolving key issues such as promoting equity in education. Our staff have major roles in national and international collaborative research networks.

Key themes

The following key themes permeate the work of our four research groups:

The Education Division is the home of a Faculty Research Centre, the Stirling Centre for Research into Curriculum Making, led by Professor Mark Priestley It has a strong focus on international networking, the dissemination of research through webinars and face-to-face events, and knowledge exchange with educational practitioners and policymakers.

Research groups

Our research is organised within four research groups. It seeks to develop more effective and equitable educational practices through an interdisciplinary approach to studying education in its wider social contexts. We welcome enquiries about potential doctoral supervision within and across these research areas.


Leads: Joe Smith and Stella Mouroutsou

This is a broad research group, designed to harness the research potential of colleagues interested in the overarching question of what and how people learn. The research interests of the group include everything from policy level analysis to the pupil-teacher classroom interactions sometimes called ‘pedagogy’.

Educational Philosophy: Theory, Methodology and Speculation

Leads: Sarah Galloway, John I’Anson, Kay Sidebottom  and Terrie-Lynn Thomson

This research group addresses and embraces important contemporary understandings of educational theory and practice. 

Language and Society

Leads: Viola Wiegand

The Language and Society research group is concerned with language and discourse in all aspects of social life. It aims to strengthen interdisciplinary cooperation among researchers who engage with language in their scholarship. 

Professional and Leadership Education

Leads: Romina Madrid and Aileen Ireland

The Professional and Leadership Education research group is concerned with enhancing our understanding of the professional learning and development of professionals in diverse public settings.

PhD opportunities in Education Practice / Theory

We offer a vibrant, supportive environment for postgraduate researchers in education.  As well as the traditional PhD route, we also offer a PhD in TESOL Research and a Doctor of Education (EdD). Academic staff at the Faculty have also indicated areas in which they offer PhD supervision within their personal webpages.

Take a closer look at the subject areas in which we offer PhD supervision and find out how to apply.

Read more about how to apply and see entry requirements What's the difference between a PhD and an MPhil?

Research Spotlights

Student concentrating on exam
Research Spotlight

Education and the Curriculum for Excellence

How education experts at Stirling are helping to ensure young people get the best possible education.