Faculty of Social Sciences news
Celebrities helped to lose 100 years between them in 21 days by Stirling academic
Eight celebrities have been taking part in a unique experiment designed by a University of Stirling academic to see if they can lose 100 years between them in 21 days.
University of Stirling academic to dispel ‘poverty of aspiration’ myth
The theory that parents’ low aspirations are to blame for their children’s lack of progress at school will be challenged by a University of Stirling academic.
Stirling team secures £1 million to study role of governing boards in Further Education
A team of researchers – led by the University of Stirling – has been awarded nearly £1 million from the Economic and Social Research Council to study governance in the Further Education (FE) sector.
Equality award for Stirling academic
A University of Stirling academic has been recognised for her work in gender and disability equality.
Pride does not come before a fall
Contrary to the old saying ‘pride comes before a fall’ the opposite appears to be true, according to a study published in the Christmas issue of The BMJ.
Hate crimes against LGBT+ people in deprived areas ignored
Hate crimes against LGBT+ residents in deprived neighbourhoods risk going unrecorded because housing associations rarely enquire about tenants’ sexual or gender identity, research has found.
Novelist and the Macrobert’s first director to be honoured at Stirling graduation
A celebrated novelist and the first director of the Macrobert Arts Centre will receive honorary degrees at the University of Stirling’s winter graduation ceremonies this week.
Scotland’s lost earth-built heritage overlooked, study finds
A romanticised perception of Scotland’s historic buildings has left traditional earth-built homes - once inhabited by the majority of the population - underappreciated, according to University of Stirling academics.
Stirling academic lands senior Royal Society role
David Bell, Professor of Economics - who has been an RSE Fellow since 2002 - will serve on the RSE's Council during the 2017/2018 session, starting next April.
Stirling hosts national television summit
Top UK television experts have gathered at the University of Stirling to debate the future of factual programming.
Senior Swedish Government official visits campus
Students received a visit from a prominent alumnus when Sweden’s Deputy Finance Minister, Per Bolund, returned to the Stirling campus.
New study into Celtic FC founder Brother Walfrid
The impact of Celtic Football Club founder Brother Walfrid on social, cultural and religious identities in Scotland will form part of a new £25,000 study by the University of Stirling.
University of Stirling celebrated at the Scottish Parliament
MSPs have congratulated the University of Stirling on its 50th anniversary during a special debate at the Scottish Parliament.
Masters students apply teaching skills around the world
Language education students are swapping the University of Stirling campus for schools and universities around the world as part of an international placement programme.
Stirling academic wins at the Scottish Women’s Awards
A University of Stirling academic has received a top accolade at the Scottish Women’s Awards 2017.
Hospital patients with dementia and other causes of confusion have worse outcomes, study finds
Hospital patients with dementia and other causes of confusion have longer stays and worse treatment outcomes than people without the condition, research led by the University of Stirling has found.
Backing to boost dementia-friendly communities
A three-year project – involving the University of Stirling and local partners – to boost communities for people living with dementia has received major backing from the Life Changes Trust.
British Council recognition for Stirling student's teaching dissertation
A University of Stirling student has received recognition from the British Council for his Masters dissertation.
Students honoured alongside humanitarian and arts leaders at Stirling graduation
More than 750 graduates from the faculties of Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences celebrated their achievements on the final day of the University of Stirling’s 50th anniversary summer graduation ceremonies.
Stirling students earn passport to brighter future
Almost 50 students will begin degree courses this year after graduating from a University of Stirling access to higher education programme.
International focus on curriculum development
The University of Stirling has welcomed international researchers, policymakers and practitioners to a major European conference on curriculum studies.
Dementia experts host international masterclass
International experts in the design of environments for people with dementia have gathered at the University of Stirling to attend a masterclass hosted by the Dementia Services Development Centre.
New app to help improve environments for people living with dementia
The University of Stirling’s Dementia Services Development Centre has announced the development of a ground-breaking new app to help improve workplaces, public buildings and homes for people living with dementia.
Women and babies in prison research explored
Top child welfare experts have gathered at the University of Stirling to discuss the wellbeing of babies and women in prison.
Success in top social science Fellowship
Professor Alison Bowes and Professor Kirstein Rummery have both been conferred with the Award of Fellow by the Academy of Social Sciences.
Article 50 triggered - Message from the Principal
As you will be aware, the Prime Minister has triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty today, Wednesday 29 March 2017. This will signify the formal start of the two-year negotiation for the terms of Britain’s exit from the European Union.
University opens its doors to mark milestone 50th anniversary
The University of Stirling threw its doors open to the community for a day of discovery this weekend, to celebrate its milestone 50th anniversary.
Consultation on increased use of electronic tagging launched
A consultation examining how electronic tagging should be expanded in Scotland to help reduce reoffending levels has been launched.
Huge postcode disparity in proportion of children in care
A study by the University of Stirling and six other British universities has revealed significant inequalities in child welfare across the UK.
Partnership in Japan to enhance dementia care
Developing dementia-friendly communities in Scotland and Japan will be the focus of an international partnership involving the University of Stirling.
Befrienders could boost new mothers’ mental health
Women experiencing mental health difficulties directly before and after giving birth could benefit from a charity’s befriending service, a University of Stirling report has revealed.
Stirling top in Scotland for welcoming international students
The University of Stirling is top in Scotland for welcoming international students, according to a survey published today.
Practical postgraduate education takes centre stage in Stirling
Education leaders gathered at the University of Stirling to showcase the Scotland-wide Making the Most of Masters (MMM) programme which uses work placements as an alternative to traditional academic Masters dissertations.