Faculty of Social Sciences news

Faculty of Social Sciences

Older private renters face unique challenges

The UK’s growing number of older private renters face distinct challenges which could worsen the nation’s housing crisis, according to research led by the University of Stirling on behalf of the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE).

View of Dumyat behind Airthrey Loch

Inappropriate housing causing disabled people ‘physical and mental harm’

Leading housing experts are warning that disabled home-seekers are experiencing adverse emotional and mental distress due to a lack of suitable accommodation.

Professor Isobel Anderson, Diane Theakstone, Julia Lawrence

Stirling Professor appointed as Chair of new Drug Deaths Taskforce

The University of Stirling’s Professor Catriona Matheson has been announced as the new chair of a special taskforce set up to tackle the rising number of drug deaths in Scotland.

Drugs and associated paraphenalia

Stirling Professor becomes first in Scotland to receive prestigious award for educational research

A University of Stirling Professor has become the first recipient from Scotland to be awarded the prestigious John Nisbet Fellowship.

An image of a loch

Stirling graduate overcomes the odds to complete course

A University of Stirling graduate, who was inspired to study following her husband’s dementia diagnosis, is celebrating her graduation today despite losing him to the condition during her studies.

Anupama holding a placard with India flag colours

Stirling academics awarded NHS research grant to tackle prescription opioid overdose

Substance use experts at the University of Stirling have been awarded a £30,000 research grant from NHS Fife to help reduce the risk of overdose in prescription opioid users.

Tablets in a plastic and foil packet

Looked after children in Scotland have faced ‘significant neglect and maltreatment’ before entering care

Almost 90% of children aged five and under - studied as part of a major new research project led by the University of Stirling - experienced abuse or neglect before entering care.

Child holding hands with two adults

Death of a friend ‘impacts health for up to four years’

The death of a close friend can cause a major decline in physical health and psychological wellbeing – with the impact being felt for up to four years, research has revealed.

Woman wlaking through graveyard holding flowers

Stirling research supports new volunteering framework

A new framework aiming at getting people involved in volunteering – and developed with the support of University of Stirling research– has been launched by the Scottish Government.

The word

Feeling ‘at home’ improves health, say Stirling researchers

The ability to feel ‘at home’ has a significant impact on people’s health and wellbeing, according to experts at the University of Stirling.

Row of tenement housing

Shadow Minister meets Stirling housing and ageing experts

Local MSP, Graham Simpson, visited the University of Stirling to hear how its housing and ageing research is helping to stimulate debate on some of Scotland’s long-term challenges.

Graham Simpson meeting Stirling housing experts

University showcases world-leading ageing and dementia research to UK Government Minister

A senior UK politician visited the University of Stirling today (Friday 22 March) to hear about its internationally renowned work on ageing and dementia.

L-R: Professor Alison Bowes, Principal Professor Gerry McCormac, Lord Duncan, Martin Quirke & Professor Malcolm MacLeod

World experts on dementia and design to gather in Stirling for major conference

The world’s leading experts on designing environments for people living with dementia are set to gather in Stirling for a major event looking at the latest developments in the sector.

Closeup of a nurses hands holding another person's hand

Child welfare expert tells Holyrood committee smacking ban is “long overdue”

Child welfare expert tells Holyrood committee smacking ban is “long overdue”


Student teachers get Japanese taster in a bid to boost language learning

The University of Stirling hosted a Japanese for Beginners event for student teachers in a bid to encourage them to take foreign language skills in to the classroom.

Blossom on trees in Japan

Parliament praises University housing and ageing reports

Two University of Stirling-led reports looking at housing and ageing and the impact of housing support services on the quality of life of older people have been praised by the Scottish Parliament.


Classic card game to bridge the gap between play and study

Researchers at the University of Stirling are using a classic card game to develop an academic discipline called the Sociology of Bridge.

playing cards

Scottish Minister learns about University's work on ageing and dementia

Scottish Government Minister for Older People, Christina McKelvie MSP, visited the University of Stirling to hear about its work on ageing and dementia.

Four women in a row with hills behind

Stirling academic to help improve support for victims of crime

University of Stirling academic Dr Margaret Malloch has been appointed to a new Scottish Government taskforce which will improve support, advice and information for victims of crime.

Domestic abuse seminar series launched by University academics

A domestic abuse seminar series – marking the end of an international campaign challenging violence against women and girls – is being launched by the University of Stirling’s Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection.

Experts highlight importance of research in tackling problem drug use

Experts from across the UK met to discuss the importance of research in tackling problem drug use, at a conference organised by the University of Stirling-hosted Drugs Research Network Scotland (DRNS).


University experts awarded £100k to evaluate domestic abuse programme

Academics from the University of Stirling have been awarded nearly £100,000 to evaluate a community project that aims to reduce acceptance of domestic violence.

infographic of words including domestic violence

Digital design should embed ethical and political values

Digital developers should consider the ethical and political values of their users – rather than focusing solely on their needs – a University of Stirling-led report has said.

young people sitting in a row looking at mobile phones

Inequalities between schools preparing pupils for university

Students from high attaining state schools are better prepared for the university application process than their peers in more deprived areas, new research by the University of Stirling has found.

form with accepted stamp and pen

Hidden costs in education system impact on Scotland’s poorest families

Hidden costs in the education system – such as school trips and uniform - are impacting on children and families living in poverty, a report by Dr Morag Treanor, from the University of Stirling, has found.

secondary school students in school uniform

Dementia Studies course expands offer to Sri Lanka

The University of Stirling has expanded the range of its distance learning course in Dementia Studies to include a student from Sri Lanka for the first time - in addition to students from India and Bangladesh.

group of students standing in a row

Domestic abuse legislation should recognise children as victims

Children who experience domestic abuse should be recognised by law as victims and not merely as witnesses, University of Stirling child expert Professor Jane Callaghan has claimed.

child crying and covering ears as man and woman argue in background

Housing experts call for a Commissioner for Ageing

A University of Stirling-led report has called for a Commissioner for Ageing in England and Scotland – similar to the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales – to ensure that people are able to age in the right place.

Group of three women and one man standing in a row

Experts address impact of austerity on children living in poverty

The impact of austerity measures on children – and work being done to mitigate this – will be addressed at the University of Stirling Taking action on child poverty conference to mark the start of Challenge Poverty Week.

young child sitting alone on a roadside bench

Impact of narrowing school curriculum on pupil outcomes

A narrowing of the curriculum in secondary schools could impact on student outcomes – particularly for those from deprived backgrounds - according to research carried out by academics at the University of Stirling.

students in an exam

Looked after children wait years for adoption, new study finds

A University of Stirling-led study tracking the progress of 1,836 looked-after children, has found they can wait years to be adopted.

Girl with red, curly hair eating a sandwich with man and woman in the background

Language education students spread their skills worldwide

Language education students from the University of Stirling are heading overseas this month as part of an international placement scheme.

group of five students with arms around each other

Don’t miss a trick with free bridge session

A free Bridge session is being offered to local residents, staff and students, as part of a University of Stirling research project into the health and well-being benefits of playing the card game.

playing cards

Innovative approach to repeat offending shows promise

The Aberdeen Problem-Solving Approach, which aims to reduce the use of custodial sentences and cut reoffending for persistent offenders, has the potential to be extended to other areas, after a new report published today said it “shows promise”.

court hammer

‘Generation rent’ suffer mental health issues

Being forced to live long-term in private rented housing is impacting negatively on young people’s mental health a new study, led by University of Stirling academic Dr Kim McKee, has found.

Rental agreement document, with keys and pen

Education experts team up with children’s mental health charity

Education experts from the University of Stirling team up with children’s mental health charity Place2Be to help future generations of teachers in Scotland support their students.

Crying girl being comforted by woman

Experts gather to discuss the ethical collection and use of student data

Data experts gather at the University of Stirling to discuss the ethics behind the collection and use of student data in higher education.

Dementia workshops for carers and volunteers

Free workshops are being offered by the University of Stirling to carers and volunteers who provide support for people with dementia.

Carer and person living with dementia

Stirling students celebrate first step in academic career

Students who passed Stirling’s Access to Degree Studies course move onto undergraduate study.

Group of students with certificates

Education experts to run academic writing workshops in Brazil

Brazilian researchers will get academic writing tips from education experts at the University of Stirling.

notepad, pen and keyboard

British Council recognition for Stirling student

Stirling student receives British Council recognition for dissertation

University academic appointed as editor of leading education journal

Curriculum studies expert Professor Mark Priestley has been appointed as editor of a leading education journal.

Stirling academic to help World Health Organisation promote personalised care for the elderly

A University of Stirling academic has been called upon to help the World Health Organisation (WHO) promote personalised care for older people in the Middle East and North Africa.

University academics ‘bridge the gap’ with new card club

Academics at the University of Stirling are bridging the gap between generations - as well as the local community - by inviting people to join a new bridge club.

Children’s experiences of domestic violence and child marriage discussed

Children’s experiences of domestic violence and child marriage were explored in a Stirling academic’s inaugural lecture this week.

New study challenges myth that low-income parents and children suffer from a ‘poverty of aspiration’

Children from low-income families risk being failed by schools – because of the belief their parents lack ambition for them, a University of Stirling academic has claimed.

An image of a child drawing

Expertise on public involvement in research shared by honorary professor

Ways to include the public in health service research have been outlined by a University of Stirling honorary professor.

University experts attend Japan-UK dementia events in Tokyo

Experts from the University of Stirling are taking part in two Japan-UK Dementia events in Tokyo looking at the universal challenges of the condition.

Stirling academic calls on Government to provide more support for single parents

A University of Stirling academic has called on the Government to increase payments for unemployed single parents in order to bring about improvements in child wellbeing.

Stirling poet honoured

A leading University of Stirling writer has been elected to the Royal Society of Edinburgh.