Faculty of Social Sciences news
Researchers work with acclaimed storytellers to help inspire youngsters to tackle waste
A new project led by the University of Stirling will harness the power of storytelling to help educate the next generation about waste in Scotland and encourage them to consider new ways of reducing, re-using and re-purposing, rather than just recycling or discarding household items and resources.
Study seeks to support migrant children during the pandemic
Exploring how COVID-19 has impacted separated migrant children in Scotland and how best to support them going forward, will be the focus of a new University of Stirling study.
University of Stirling to develop new adult social care Centre
The University of Stirling is partnering with the University of Birmingham, as part of a broader consortium of key stakeholders from across the four nations of the UK, to develop a new Centre for adult social care.
Stirling researchers to transform housing design for dementia
Experts at the University of Stirling are leading a major new research project – with the support of international partners including the dementia care foundation established by the Queen of Sweden - to create future-proof housing to meet the needs of the world’s ageing population.
Stirling secures £1.6m to connect older people
A multi-disciplinary team of researchers has been awarded £1.6m of funding to improve access to online resources for older people in a bid to boost health.
New research to put COVID-19 local authority spending in the spotlight
The University of Stirling is launching major new research to investigate how local authority spending across the UK can deliver maximum benefit to communities in the wake of COVID-19.
Professor recognised by prestigious Academy of Social Sciences
A University of Stirling professor has been made a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in recognition of his excellent contribution to the sector.
New research to look at how home tech can support those living with dementia
Experts at the University of Stirling are launching a new research project to find out how technology can better support residents in retirement living schemes and those living with long-term conditions such as dementia.
Landlords play vital role in helping tenants create a home, say experts
A new study from UK housing experts has found that landlords play a significant role in tenants’ ability to feel ‘at home’.
Research project to study the impact of COVID fear
A multi-disciplinary team of researchers at the University of Stirling is launching a new study to consider how the fear of COVID-19 is impacting the lives of the over-50s, after receiving a major funding grant.
New report highlights barriers to accessing housing for ex-Service personnel
New research published today [8th December] highlights the challenges Service leavers face accessing and sustaining housing after leaving the Armed Forces, despite improvements made in recent years.
Stirling ageing expert to speak at international ‘futures’ event
A leading expert in ageing from the University of Stirling is to give a talk to an international symposium exploring the needs, hopes and responsibilities of different age groups and our futures.
University of Stirling granted funding for three COVID-19 projects
The University of Stirling is set to contribute to the understanding of, and response to, the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts, with three new research projects.
Stirling research on socio-environmental disasters receives £1m funding
A project seeking to support marginalised South African communities suffering from climate change-induced or exacerbated crises has been launched at the University of Stirling.
University of Stirling launches study to support climate resilience policy in Rwanda
Experts at the University of Stirling have been awarded a share of £200,000 to support marginalised groups impacted by severe flooding and drought in Rwanda.
New fellows join research partnership to mitigate climate-change related disasters in South Africa
Four new postdoctoral fellows have joined a research project partnership supporting marginalised communities in South Africa suffering from climate-change induced crises.
Voluntary action and Covid-19 – new research will explore lessons learnt and recommendations for UK recovery
Experts from across academia and the voluntary sector are to carry out a major research project into the role of voluntary action in the Covid-19 pandemic – exploring the challenges, what worked well and making recommendations to inform planning for future crises.
Stirling housing student scoops top award
A University of Stirling housing student has received a prestigious award after wowing industry judges with her work on housing law and policy.
Stirling child trafficking experts publish research
A team of experts from the University of Stirling commissioned by the Scottish Government to research the professional response to child trafficking in Scotland has published its research.
Stirling University scoops national equality awards
Two University of Stirling departments are celebrating their continued commitment to equality and inclusion after being awarded Athena SWAN bronze awards.
University of Stirling education experts complete exam review
A team of Stirling researchers led by education expert Professor Mark Priestley has completed an independent review into the handling of this year’s Scottish National Qualifications.
Stirling expert appointed to Anti-Slavery Group
University of Stirling academic Dr Paul Rigby, has been appointed to provide expert advice to the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (IASC).
Stirling celebrates first year of Housing course partnership
The University of Stirling is celebrating the first year of an innovative industry partnership formed to improve the employability of Housing Studies students.
Stirling ageing expert awarded £600k for care home study
A University of Stirling academic has been awarded £600,000 from the National Institute for Health Research to improve end-of-life care in UK care homes.
Stirling dementia design expertise recognised in World Report
Experts from the University of Stirling are playing a leading role in a global report looking at the progress of dementia-related design.
New book celebrates 30 years of dementia design architecture
An internationally renowned dementia centre is celebrating its three decades of dedication to improving the lives of those living with dementia through design, by launching a new architectural compendium.
Ground-breaking care system study awarded £0.5m
Researchers led by the University of Stirling have won a £500,000 award from the Nuffield Foundation and a philanthropic donor, to carry out the next stage of ground-breaking work intended to improve the lives of children who become "looked-after" by the care systems.
Education professor to lead Scottish Government review into exam failings
A leading education expert from the University of Stirling is to lead an independent review in to the handling of this year’s Scottish school exam results.
Five studies launched into drug-related harms and deaths
Experts from the University of Stirling have launched five interdisciplinary research projects to address drug-related harms and deaths in Scotland.
New study to reveal how landlords can support tenants to create ‘homes’
A new study – led by the University of Stirling – will advise landlords on how they can support tenants in the private rented sector to make their leased property a ‘home’.
New toolkit launched to help deal with isolation
Experts from the University of Stirling have launched a new toolkit providing guidance on the role technology can play in combating feelings of isolation among older people.
Stirling’s Housing Studies course recognised for its world-class research and teaching
The University of Stirling’s Masters/Postgraduate Diploma in Housing Studies has been reaccredited by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH).
Study considers the protection of vulnerable children during COVID-19
Protecting the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children and young people in Scotland, during the COVID-19 pandemic, is the focus of a new University of Stirling study.
Study to research impact of COVID-19 on people who use drugs
Understanding the health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on people who use drugs in Scotland is the focus of a new University of Stirling study.
Stirling projects to safeguard wellbeing of carers during pandemic
Three University of Stirling projects will play a key role in safeguarding carers and support workers during the COVID-19 pandemic – and assessing the impact the experience has on them.
Stirling expert’s potentially life-saving advice to COVID-19 social workers
A leading expert from the University of Stirling is providing potentially life-saving advice to social workers around the world as they tackle the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Stirling expert receives fellowship to conduct international research
A leading expert from the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) at the University of Stirling has received a renowned Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship.
Funding boost to bridge the gap between play and study
A new research project led by the University of Stirling will highlight the benefits and skills gained from playing bridge.
Student teachers benefit from mental health training
Student teachers at the University of Stirling are continuing to benefit from an innovative pilot project designed to improve knowledge and understanding of their own and pupils’ mental health.
Stirling expert appointed as Research Director for Healthy Ageing Challenge
A leading University of Stirling academic has been appointed as Research Director for the Healthy Ageing Challenge delivered by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).
Study reveals factors behind a resilient community
A new study has identified the key components of ‘community resilience’ – and experts believe their findings will help to develop and enhance responses to extreme events.
Stirling expert appointed to Scottish Sentencing Council
A University of Stirling criminologist has been appointed to the Scottish Sentencing Council.
Major new study to examine curriculum provision in Scottish secondary schools
The structure of the Scottish secondary school curriculum – and its impacts on the lives of pupils – will be examined by University of Stirling academics.
Charity champion James Jopling honoured in Inverness
ProjectScotland Director James Jopling was today (November 1) recognised for his services to the charity sector as he joined more than 100 students at their University of Stirling graduation.
New research to look at peer support around dementia
A new research project will evaluate peer support initiatives for people with a lived experience of dementia, with the aim of improving care in Scotland and across the UK.
Multi-million pound award for domestic abuse research
Researchers have received a multi-million pound grant to investigate innovative interventions to support children and young people impacted by domestic abuse.
Researchers discuss evidence-based approaches to challenging poverty
The complex nature of poverty was the subject of discussion at a special event held at the University of Stirling. The event, bringing together researchers, policymakers and practitioners, marked the culmination of Challenge Poverty Week, which ran from 7 – 11 October.
Stirling students access a bright future
More than 40 students are starting degree courses this year after completing a University of Stirling access to higher education programme.
Stirling student celebrated for work growing women’s football
A University of Stirling PhD student has received a prestigious national award in recognition of her volunteering work to help grow participation in women’s football.
Stirling academic receives palliative care award in Australia
A University of Stirling academic has been recognised for her work in leading a team which developed and tested a new method for improving palliative care provision in Australia.