Stirling Analyses for Geoarchaeology

Stirling Analyses for Geoarchaeology (StAG) provides a range of professional services and analysis for geoarchaeologists.

We were formed out of the well-established micromorphology labs at the University of Stirling and the production of large format soil thin section slides remains one of our main services.


We provide a wide range of services and analytical techniques in support of geoarchaeology.

Including survey, sampling strategies and expert advice on applicable analytical techniques.

Soil thin section slides and micromorphology can provide description, interpretation and measurement of soil components, features and fabrics.

SEM-EDS can provide high resolution micro-topographical data (SEM) as well as quantitative elemental analysis of samples on micro samples (EDS).

ICP provides quantitative elemental analysis from a wide range of samples from liquids to soils and sediments.

XRF uses the same technology as the EDS system but with the advantage of portability meaning it can be used on site to provide elemental analysis from bulk samples.

Through luminescence profiling OSL can be useful in the determination of statigraphic discontinuities.

We can capture, store and manipulate a range of geographical data using systems such as ArcGIS.


StAG has a wide range modern laboratories and facilities including:

  • Thin Section Slide Production Lab
  • Microscopy/Image Analysis Lab
  • SEM-EDS Lab
  • OSL and XRF Lab

Contact Stirling Analyses for Geoarchaeology

Contact Technical Specialist Lab Manager George MacLeod