Equality and Diversity in Biological and Environmental Sciences (BES) division
We are a friendly and welcoming Division that celebrates diversity in all its forms. We value the contributions of all members of Biological and Environmental Sciences (BES), and acknowledge that these efforts help to make our working environment vibrant, inclusive and open-minded.
We take a forward-thinking and pro-active approach to equality and diversity and endeavour to provide support and flexibility to enable every individual to succeed.
BES was awarded a departmental Athena Swan Bronze Award in 2015, which was subsequently renewed in 2019, following demonstration of its commitment to promote gender equality. Athena Swan is an equality charter committed to representation, progression and success for all in higher education and research.
Our BES Equality and Diversity Committee was set up in January 2014 and draws its members from across the whole Division. The Committee takes an inclusive approach to equality and diversity and consults with BES undergraduates, postgraduates, administration staff and academic staff to better understand their needs. This has helped us to develop an action plan which is an evolving document that highlights our successes as well as future areas to focus on. Since 2014, we are proud to have introduced a range of initiatives.
BES Equality and Diversity initiatives
The Biological and Environmental Science (BES) division’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Committee have spearheaded an initiative to help boost the visibility of supportive practices and improve accessibility of relevant resources. The Visibility of Inclusion for Boosting Equity (VIBE) initiative aims to signpost students and staff to support services, both within the division and in the wider university community.
VIBE acknowledges that not all students follow the same path to university and that some people face challenges or impediments to fulfilling their full potential that require additional support and guidance. VIBE consists of over 20 members of staff in the BES division, referred to as VIBE Visibility Champions, who have volunteered to act as points of contact in BES to support students in fulfilling their potential.
The VIBE team are targeting 5 key areas, identified by the BES EDI committee, as being particularly relevant to new and established students, researchers, and staff members.
These 5 areas are:
- Neurodiversity;
- Disability (including hidden disabilities and long-term health conditions);
- Racial Equality and Internationalisation;
- Socio-Economic Hardship.
Participating staff indicate their position as Visibility Champions through the application VIBE icon stickers on their office doors. Contact details for all Visibility Champions, details of the scheme and associated VIBE resources can be accessed by current students via their BES Programme Canvas page.
If you have any queries about VIBE, please contact the Initiative Lead, Dr Verity Flower at verity.flower@stir.ac.uk
This six month period without any teaching activities allows female lecturing staff returning from maternity leave to focus solely on their research. More information about the scheme and the application form can be found on the return to work form.
Since August 2014 we have ensured that all academic positions (lecturer-level and above) are advertised as available part-time.
We have recently implemented a new scheme whereby RPGs without externally or University-funded maternity provision have this paid for by BES.
Our other initiatives include ensuring that meetings and seminars are held within core hours (10am-4pm), actively promoting leadership training, providing mentoring opportunities and encouraging representation of women at all levels e.g. at open days, on committees, for seminars and on recruitment panels.
Equality and diversity across the University
University policies
The University was awarded the Athena Swan Bronze Award in September 2016. The award follows a rigorous examination of equality and diversity information relating to our academic activities and the creation of a robust action plan with clear accountability to promote gender equality.
The University’s equality, diversity and inclusion webpages provide a wealth of information on its approach to championing equality and diversity, including policies on:
- Equality and Diversity;
- Transgender;
- Transgender guidance for staff and students;
- Respect at work and study.
Staff training and development
As highlighted in the University’s Strategic Plan, the university is focused on staff development to help everyone reach their potential. The University has a range of training and development opportunities available to all staff and students including events explicitly targeted at equality issues such as training on cultural awareness and unconscious bias.
The University offers a range of leadership programmes tailored specifically for women to promote gender equality. These include programs relevant to staff at different stages of their career from new lecturers to those moving into leadership positions.
Contact us
If you have any further queries please contact Dr Jennifer Dickie.