Scottish Studies at Stirling
Scottish Studies at Stirling was founded in 1998 ‘to promote research, publication and education in Scottish Studies, especially across the boundaries of literature, critical theory, history, media and politics’.
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Scottish Studies at Stirling was envisioned as a hub for interdisciplinary contact and research within the University of Stirling, and as Stirling’s platform in a wider, international network of centres conducting research into Scottish history and culture.
The activities of Scottish Studies at Stirling are supported by funds which were donated by members of the public in 1998, expressly intended for the advancement of Scottish Studies at Stirling. We aim to make productive use of this endowment on a sustainable basis – that is, to maintain and replenish its source of funding.
It should be noted that many colleagues at Stirling are engaged in research concerning Scottish culture, history and society without being members of the Scottish Studies at Stirling committee. The role of the committee is to bring focus and attention to these efforts, often via the support of research culture and dissemination.