Lucy Dean

Lucy holds a first class BA Honours (History and Creative Writing) and an MA by Research in History (focused on the representation of authority of Louis XIV, particularly how his carefully crafted image was used against him by his critics) from Kingston University. During her part-time MA she also worked at the National Archives at Kew (catalogue editor) and the Surrey Local History Centre (heritage assistant). She undertook her AHRC-funded doctoral research on the continuity and change in representations of Scottish royal authority through three key royal ceremonies here at the University of Stirling under the supervision of Dr Michael Penman (primary) and Dr Alastair Mann (secondary). She successfully defended her thesis in December 2013 and is currently a teaching assistant / fellow at the University (details of teaching below).



Research Interest

Lucy’s doctoral thesis bridges the gap between medieval and early modern to provide the first long term study of Scottish inaugurations/coronations, funerals, and weddings (with consort coronations) across four centuries. It places these ceremonies within the complexities of their political context, including frequent minor accessions, early violent deaths, absentee kingship, Anglo-Scot and Scotto-European relations, cultural movements, and political and religious upheavals in Scotland from 1214 to 1603 to address the gaping holes in the Scottish historiography of ceremony. At its heart the thesis offers detailed analysis of a broad range of sources including archival research, in-depth research (and translation) of printed and manuscript financial material (particularly extensively in regards to the Exchequer Rolls), burgh records, heraldic treatises, parliamentary records, chronicle and descriptive accounts, material culture (including music, seals, coins, architecture, art) and literature. This required continual development of skills such as palaeography and language skills (Latin, Old Scots and French). The scope of the study was imperative due to the gaping holes in the Scottish historiography, and has thus provided the framework from which further research into royal ceremony and its place as an essential platform for the dissemination of royal power can be undertaken. The publication of the thesis and related themes will come in a number of forms (see publication list for further details), with a monograph on Death and the Royal Succession: Scottish Funerals, Coronations and Weddings, c.1214–1543 in preparation for the St Andrews Scottish History Series (Boydell and Brewer).

Subsequent projects will take a variety of directions, including a fuller exploration of the use of space in ceremonial and applications are currently being pursued for the funding of work to provide digitisations of royal ceremony (this includes a role in a current HERA grant) to disseminate this research to a wider public in new and exciting way linking to developments in digital humanities. Lucy is also pursuing a project looking at royal baptism ceremonies in the late medieval and early modern eras, with a particular interest in the role and choice of godparents, which she is looking to expand beyond royalty to society more broadly to investigate these fascinating but under-explored rites of passage and the connected kinship networks that they may have enforced or created. A more ambitious project she hopes to pursue is a multi-faceted investigation of Scottish ambassadorial interaction and the ‘king abroad’. A preliminary case study on the ambassadors and entourage of James V has been undertaken for a conference paper that was presented at Kings and Queens 3 (Winchester, July 2014) in France in 1536-7, and is currently being reworked for publication. Other potential projects/ avenues she would like to explore include, the use of ceremony in minorities and during prolonged absentee monarchy, the role of the herald in ceremony through a comprehensive survey of the heraldic manuscripts, and an exploration of the more ‘everyday’ local level royal ceremony in Scotland, such as traversing the realm, justice ayres, and religious and seasonal festivals.



Book Chapter: ‘Enter the Alien: Foreign Consorts and their Royal Entries into Scottish Cities, c. 1449–1594’ in R. Mulryne and A.M. Testaverde with I. Aliverti (eds), The Iconography of Power: Ceremonial Entries in Early Modern Europe (Ashgate, February 2015), pp. 267-295.

Book Chapter: ‘Crowning the Child: Representing Authority in the Inaugurations and Coronations of Minors in Scotland, c.1214 to c.1567’, in E. Woodacre and S. McGlyn (eds), The Image and Perception of Monarchy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Cambridge Scholars, Sept 2014), pp. 254-280.

Book Reviews: Three reviews in History Scotland – Vol. 14/5 (Sept/Oct 2014), pp. 56-7; Vol. 14/4 (July/ August 2014), pp. 54-5; Vol. 13/3 (May/June 2013), p. 57.

Short Article: ‘The Chronicles and State Celebrations: Representations of Royal Authority through State Ceremony in Scotland, c. 1200–1603’, History Scotland, 12/6 (Nov/Dec, 2012), pp. 20-27.

Book Reviews: Three reviews in History Scotland – (Online ed., Aug 2012), ; Vol. 12/4 (July/ August 2012), pp. 58-9; Vol. 11/6(Nov/Dec 2011), pp. 57-8.

In Press

Peer-Reviewed Article: ‘Projecting Dynastic Majesty: State Ceremony in the Reign of Robert the Bruce’, International Review of Scottish Studies (won IRSS Early Career Researcher Prize June 2014, forthcoming Sept 2015) [9,769 words]

Book Review: Kings, Lords and Men in Scotland and Britain, 1300–1625 edited by Stephen Boardman and Julian Goodare’, IRSS (forthcoming, Sept 2015) [840 words]

Edited Volume and Co-authored Introduction: K. Buchanan and L. Dean, with M. Penman (eds), Medieval and Early Modern Representations of Authority in Scotland and the British Isles (Ashgate, forthcoming 2015) [125,000 words]

Book Chapter: ‘In the Absence of an Adult Monarch: Ceremonial Representations of Authority by Marie de Guise 1543–1558’, in Buchanan and Dean with Penman (eds), Medieval and Early Modern Representations of Authority (Ashgate, forthcoming 2015) [8,125 words]

Encyclopaedia Entries: ‘Anne (Elizabeth?) Douglas (nee Villiers), Lady Dalkeith, Countess of Morton’ [500 words], ‘Anne Hathaway’ [580 words], ‘Anne Killigrew Kirke’ [400 words], and ‘Eleanor Villiers’ [400 words], inA Biographical Encyclopedia of Early Modern Englishwomen, Exemplary Lives and Memorable Acts, 1500–1650, ed. C. Levin and A.R. Bertolet (Ashgate, forthcoming 2015)


Peer-Reviewed Article: ‘A Scottish Enigma? The Funeral and Treatment of the Royal Body in Death in Scotland, 1214–1543’ submitted to The Medieval Journal (submitted for consideration March 2015)

Book Chapter:‘Making the Most of What They Had: Adapting [Indoor] and Outdoor Spaces for Royal Ceremony in Scotland c. 1214–1603’, in R. Mulryne and K. de Jonge (eds), Architectures of Festival in Early Modern Europe (Ashgate, forthcoming 2015-2016)

In Preparation

Peer-Reviewed Article: ‘Royal Births and Baptisms in Scotland: Projections of Royal Authority or Private Sacrament?’ in preparation to submit to either Innes Review or Past and Present (proposed submission 2015)

MonographDeath and the Royal Succession: Scottish Funerals, Coronations and Weddings, c.1214–1543, in preparation with verbal agreement with editors and co of St Andrews Scottish History Series (published by Boydell and Brewer), proposed submission of manuscript 2016.


January 2015  Society for Renaissance Studies (Scottish Branch): Small Conference Bursary: £100 
June 2014  International Review of Scottish Studies Early Career Researcher Essay Prize for: 'Projecting Dynastic Majesty: State Ceremony in the Reign of Robert the Bruce': $300 
June 2014  Royal Historical Society: Small Conference Travel Bursary: £140 
March 2014 Society for Renaissance Studies: Conference Bursary Fee Waiver 
January 2013 

European Science Foundation: Conference Presentation Travel Grant to Venice: €540

April 2013  AHRC: Small grant for BBC/ AHRC Scottish Identity Workshop: £90 
May 2012  Stirling Graduate Research School, Centre for Scottish Studies (Stirling), and Faculty of Arts of Humanities (Stirling): Small Grant for conference in collaboration with fellow postgraduate (K. Buchanan): £900 
May 2012 

Universities of Bergamo, Warwick and Pisa: Conference Travel/Accommodation Bursary for SEFR Conference in Bergamo: €160

May 2012 

Royal Historical Society: Small Grant for conference in collaboration with fellow PG (K. Buchanan): £200 

February 2012 

Royal Historical Society: Small Travel Bursary: £50 

Nov 2011 

The Stirling Fund: Small grant towards Postgraduate Online Journal interdisciplinary collaborative project: £250 

April 2011 

Strathmartine Trust: Small Research Grant: £150 

April 2011  Strathmartine Trust: Small Grant for workshop series and conference in collaboration with fellow postgraduate (K. Buchanan): £250 
April 2010 - July 2013 Division of History and Politics, University of Stirling: successfully applied for a number of small travel bursary for conference attendance.
Oct 2009 - Oct 2012

AHRC: Doctoral funding award: full fees and stipend (of approx. £13,500) per annum for 3 years 


Undergraduate Teaching

Jan 2015 - present

University of Stirling, Teaching Assistant, Part time.

HISU9X2: Concepts in History: Revolution, People and Landscape (New module)

Undergraduate team-taught skills and themes module

Oct 2013 - present

University of Dundee and the Open University, Long Distance Tutor, Part time.

HY30031: Medieval and Early Modern Scottish History, c. 1100–1707

Undergraduate course (Year 3 Open University or as one off module) 

Sept 2014 – Dec 2014

University of Stirling. Teaching Assistant, Part time.

HISU9S3: Reputations in History

Undergraduate team-taught pre-honours skills course using reputations of key figures throughout history (starting with William Wallace and ending with Nelson Mandela) to build upon student understanding and use of historiography and source analysis.

Note: also worked with the module coordinator of HISU9S1: Scotland in Pre-Modern Europe (new module) to provide podcasts made available on the VLE, preparing and recording two mini lectures (approx. 30 minutes) on royal ceremony in medieval Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots.

June – Aug 2014

University of Stirling, International Summer School. Module Coordinator and Tutor.

Scottish History modules: ISS9TC The Covenanters and ISS9TJ The Jacobites 1689–1746

Four week courses for international undergraduates.

Jan - May 2014

University of Stirling, Teaching Assistant, Part time.

HIS9S2: Renaissance to Revolution in Scotland. 1513–c.1689

Sister pre-honours course to HIS9S1 (see below).

HIS9P6: Stewart Scotland II 1488–1542: The Glory of Princely Governing?

Guest tutor for honours course. Prepared and taught special case study tutorial (2 groups approx. 15 students) on the royal ceremonies of James IV and James V, prepared and provided all reading lists and resources for classes.

Sept – Dec 2013

University of Glasgow, Teaching Assistant, Part time.

History 1A: Scotland’s Millennium: Kingdom, Union and Nation, c.1000–1999

Broad collaborative pre-honours survey course. 

Sept 2010 – Dec 2011 

University of Stirling, Teaching Assistant, Part time.

HIS9S1: Kingship and nationhood: Medieval Scotland, c. 1100–1513

Pre-honours introduction to medieval Scottish history course 

Postgraduate Teaching Experience

Dec 2014

University of Stirling, Postgraduate Training Week for Faculty of Arts and Humanitie and Faculty of Applied Social Sciences.

Worked with other members of staff to contribute to two of the training sessions for new postgraduates (including MA, MRes and PhD students): Teaching Skills Workshop (History) and Writing Biography and Prosopography from Archival Collections.

Teaching and Learning Training Completed

March 2014

Higher Education Academy, Loughborough University. History: New to Teaching Workshop:how to create a cross-department survey course.

August 2013 

University of Glasgow, Statutory Induction Teaching and Learning Training.

Feb 2010

University of Stirling, Teaching and Learning Training, Stirling Graduate Research School Course

Further Information

Lucy was the co-chairperson of the History and Politics Postgraduate Society at Stirling from Sept 2010 – Sept 2012, and with fellow postgrad, Katherine Buchanan, organised two workshops (June 2011/Feb 2012) and a two day conference (held Aug 2012) on the subject of ‘Representations of Authority’ in the widest sense. She is now co-editing a collection of essays inspired by the conference, which includes both speakers and invited contributors, titled Medieval and Early Modern Representations of Authority in Scotland and British Isles (forthcoming with Ashgate in 2015). She was also a general editor and founding member of Stryvling: Stirling International Journal of Postgraduate Research, an innovative inter-disciplinary team project working to provide a new online platform for postgraduate research, from May 2011–Sept 2012 (continuing in capacity of copy editor until 2013). She is has also been involved since the inception of the Royal Studies Journal (first issue published Dec 2014), predominantly on the copyediting team.

Lucy has also presented at a wide range of national and international conferences since 2011 including the Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting (Berlin 2015), Royal Scone: A Scottish Medieval Royal Centre in Europe (Nov 2014), Society of Renaissance Studies Biennial Conference (Southampton 2014), Death in Scotland Conference (Edinburgh 2014), Royal Loss Conference (York 2012), Iconography of Power: Society of European Festivals Research (Bergamo 2012), Leeds International Medieval Congress (2012, 2013) and Kings and Queens Royal Studies Conferences (Bath 2012, Winchester 2013 and 2014). She will be presenting at Leeds IMC 2015 and Kings and Queens 4: Dynastic Change and Legitimacy (Lisbon, 2015) later this year, and has been invited to speak at a one day conference looking at the ‘presence of majesty’ in the reign of James V in Sept 2015. She has presented research seminar papers at the Universities of Stirling (2012), St Andrews (Institute of Scottish Historical Research Seminar, 2012), and Edinburgh (Scottish Historical Research Seminar, March 2015), the most recent of these papers was titled ‘Royal Births and Baptisms in Scotland: Projections of Royal Authority or Private Sacrament?’ 
