Law and Philosophy

Our Law and Philosophy division is defined by outstanding teaching, research and student satisfaction rates. Embarking on an undergraduate course in either field, you’ll have the freedom to study abroad and combine your BA Honours with more than 10 other subjects. You can also be sure you’ve come to the right place: Philosophy at Stirling has regularly ranked first in Scotland for overall student satisfaction, and our Law: LLB boasts accreditation from both the Faculty of Advocates and Law Society of Scotland. 

100% of our research impact in Law and 100% of our research impact and environment in Philosophy was classed as world leading or internationally excellent in the Research Excellence Framework 2021. Every ounce of that expertise goes back into our teaching, from undergraduate level through to our Law and Philosophy postgraduate courses and thriving PhD programme. So, wherever you hope your future will lead, our Law and Philosophy division can help you get there.

Philosophy Diversity statement

We believe in creating a welcoming environment for all philosophers, and in particular for members of groups that are underrepresented.

In 2015 we adopted the BPA/SWIP guidelines

Here are some important ways that we are following the guidelines:

Anonymising:  We are committed to anonymising all submitted work from our students and we have also adopted a policy to assess written work anonymously during job searches.

Implicit Bias training: Each year we run an implicit bias session within the department which all new members of staff or tutorial assistants attend. We also invite our students to attend these sessions.

Diversifying syllabi: All department members are urged to strive for diversity, aiming to include members of under-represented groups in their teaching syllabi.

Workshops/conference/seminar series: All workshops, conferences and seminar series include support for child care and we aim for a balanced speaker line-up.

We also have an Equality and Diversity committee that continues to look for ways to ensure a welcoming atmosphere at our department for all philosophers. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Philip Ebert. 

We also work in collaboration with our Philosophy Society to make sure that students from underrepresented groups feel welcome and at home at Stirling and fully support our MAP (Minorities and Philosophy) chapter.