Employability in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities and the University of Stirling go the extra mile to prepare you for your future career. 96% of our graduates were in employment or further study 15 months after graduation (Graduate Outcomes 2020-21, HESA), and we do everything we can to help you stand out from the crowd when the time comes to enter the world of work.

student at open day

Working towards your future

Helping you fulfil your career aspirations is central to everything we do in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. We understand that in a competitive job market it’s not enough just to graduate – you need to graduate with applicable knowledge of your field, access to a network of industry connections and experience in the world of work. On all those fronts, Stirling is hard to beat, with 93% of our graduates in employment or further study fifteen months after graduation (Graduate Outcomes Survey 2021, HESA).

Arts and Humanities qualifications open up a wealth of job opportunities. According to a British Council study, over 50% of professional leaders in 30 countries studied humanities or social sciences at university (British Council, 2015). A degree in Arts and Humanities will help you to become more culturally aware, adaptable, understanding of multiple viewpoints and creative in how you solve problems – all skills that are highly prized by employers.

Meeting the world of work

Our Arts and Humanities courses bring the world of work into all of our teaching. Our programmes are informed by Employer Advisory Panels who tell us what they’re looking for in our graduates, and employers provide talks, run projects and host placements across almost all of our courses. Visits to businesses and key institutions also occur regularly, and our Alumni Mentoring Scheme means you can connect with and learn from Stirling graduates already working in your chosen career area.

The Alumni Mentoring Programme was a very positive and worthwhile experience. I’m studying journalism, which is a competitive industry to break into and I didn’t want to limit myself to only finding work in this field. However, I didn’t know what other jobs I could potentially do after graduation and how to find them, but thanks to my mentor this is no longer something I’m worried about.

Rebecca McVey, Journalism Student – Mentored by Samantha Groessler, Scottish Government

Employability modules

Undergraduate students in the Faculty have access to a suite of bespoke modules which will develop their personal effectiveness and employability skills. These include opportunities for work placements. Many of our subject based modules offer work related experience such as field trips, visits, talks and working on “real projects” with employer input. Postgraduate students have a variety of opportunities to develop these skills through our intensive professional skills programme, Postgraduate Plus+, and through work related experiences.

What students and alumni say about our employability modules and support:

Student Feedback on Career Launchpad (ARTU9C3) and Putting Arts and Humanities to Work (ARTU9W4) Modules

“I have taken part in the Career Launch Pad module (ARTU9C3) from the start of my 2nd year. The first module really helps you evaluate the skills necessary to succeed in the workplace. My CV skills got a total makeover – I replaced a traditional, outdated CV with a skills savvy one instead.

The follow up module, in spring semester, Putting Arts and Humanities to Work (ARTU9W4) allows you to go on a work placement, which provides a much-needed break from studying. The placement has been a great way to explore potential career pathways and allows you to network and make important contacts. Having this module on offer is beneficial, as I am a politics student and I often struggle to find suitable placements to gain vital experience.

If you want to gain experience and try different career paths, definitely take these two modules – they will prepare you for your final, important years at university and life after”.

 “As a graduate of the University of Stirling it is great to see the work they are doing to support the future employability of their students. As a place for learning, the University provides a fantastic environment and with the added focus of preparing students for life after academia, it really does set itself apart in Scotland. It is also great to see the work the University is doing to embrace the expansive alumni network in the area of employability. I have had the pleasure of supporting a number of students through the alumni mentoring scheme and more recently as part of the Politics Advisory Board both of which have given me great insight into the importance the University is placing on the future employability of their students, today.

During my career I have always found graduates and students of the University of Stirling very well rounded with an equal measure of life and work place skills and academic skills and abilities making them a great fit for the work place.”

 “I really enjoyed taking part in the programme and through it I have been able to enhance my CV and make myself more available to employers through creating a LinkedIn profile. I have also been able to gain experience of how a graduate interview works. I highly recommend students taking part in the programme as it provides helpful hints for students about to graduate as well as giving students a little bit of an advantage in the competitive job market."

Student Anna Duff / Mentor Louisa Miller - Airdrie Savings Bank

More than a degree

Opportunities to enhance your employability are easy to find at Stirling, and one of the best things you can do is get involved in the University’s many clubs and societies. Arts and Humanities subjects are well represented within those clubs – from film-making and creative writing to law, politics, history and many more. Being part of any club or society can help you refine your leadership skills, gain an insight into working as a team, and develop the kind of ‘can-do’ attitude you’ll be expected to have when you start working. Take a closer look at all of Stirling’s clubs and societies here.

Final Year Conference

One of the many ways we help to prepare undergraduate students for the world of work is through our Arts and Humanities Final Year Conference. The conference takes place on the first day of the autumn term each year, and gives students a chance to take part in practical sessions covering presentation skills, team working, project management, preparation of CV’s and job applications. Industry leaders such as IBM and Enterprise Rent-a-Car attend the conference to offer guidance alongside faculty staff. All final year students will receive an invite to the conference and full details of how to sign up.

Connect with us

We partner with employers who are interested in taking part in advisory panels, mentoring and recruiting students, or giving talks within the faculty of Arts and Humanities. To find out more about how these opportunities can benefit your business, please get in touch.

I’ve been involved with many of these initiatives such as the Alumni Mentoring Scheme, giving guest lectures, career talks and sharing my experiences with students. I’ve also been taking part, along with a number of other employers, on an advisory panel focusing on how we help prepare students for the world beyond their university studies. I would strongly encourage other employers to think about how they could get on board and help too.

Kevin Condron, CMO Industrial, IBM

Get in touch

If you have questions about studying in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, please contact us.