Interface funding

If you're a Scottish small or medium-sized enterprise, we can help you apply for funding from Interface so you can power up your innovative ideas.

About Interface

Interface enables business-academic collaborations for economic and societal benefit.

Interface administers funding from The Scottish Funding Council to seed collaboration with Scotland’s universities, colleges and research institutes.

Interface works with businesses, organisations and academia to grow innovative ideas. Examples of projects include:

  • Research and development of your prototypes
  • Innovative marketing and digital strategies
  • Diversification into new markets
  • Research into developing systems
  • Business planning, financial planning, and procurement
  • Ideas around enhancing customer experience – perhaps through augmented/virtual reality
  • Ways in which to embrace the circular economy, sustainability and improve green credentials

To access funding you will need to be a Scottish small or medium-sized enterprise and be matched with an academic partner such as the University of Stirling.

Speak to us about applying for vouchers and funding at

How we complement your business

We are an international university with a pioneering spirit and a global reputation for high-quality teaching and research. Our research is conducted to the highest standards of quality and integrity, allowing us to support and improve lives across the world.

The university has five faculties: 

  • Natural Sciences
  • Stirling Management School
  • Social Sciences
  • Health Sciences and Sport
  • Arts and Humanities

Innovation Voucher Funding

Interface administers funding from The Scottish Funding Council to seed a collaboration with Scotland’s universities, colleges and research institutes.

With up to £7,500 of funding, the purpose of Standard Innovation Vouchers is to encourage new first-time partnerships and collaboration between a company and a university or further education college to support innovation to develop a new product, process or service for the company.

The Advanced Innovation Voucher is aimed at building sustained relationships between small/medium-sized companies (SMEs) and universities or further education colleges.

Student Placement Innovation Vouchers build on existing relationships between SMEs and HEIs in Scotland.

The Scottish Inward Investment Catalyst Fund attracts and supports businesses, not yet located in Scotland, but interested in developing a presence here. It provides an opportunity to develop relationships and give insight into other aspects of the Scottish ecosystem, such as further investment opportunities, supply chains and the skills base to strengthen the case for investing in Scotland.

Building successful business academic partnerships

Webinar on building successful business academic partnerships