People looking at brand colour charts

Graphics and Print Services

With a focus on delivering quality products and excellent customer service, our Graphics and Print Services team offers a wide range of services for students, staff and external customers.

Whether you need your dissertation bound or a creative design and print solution for your event, we have the team and expertise you need right on campus.

Our services

We have a team of graphic designers who have worked in public, private and voluntary sectors, and we welcome new design challenges. The team are experienced in design for print and web, corporate and brand development, illustration, conference and exhibition materials design, advertising, motion graphics, accessible design, online advertising, interactive e-magazine design and typography.

Why use us?

  • We provide creative design with competitive pricing
  • We know the University brand
  • Quick turnarounds – on suitable projects, we can even produce same day or next day design

We have high quality in-house finishing services including Unibind (acetate front and back covers with a black metal spine), comb (plastic), wire (metal) and fastback (black tape binding).

Dissertation binding

We offer University-approved binding services to our students. 

If you wish to print your dissertation you can do so from the dissertation printers in Cottrell 2A18 (good quality 100gsm paper) or any of the other print suites (80gsm standard grade paper).

On the day and time of your appointment, please come to Graphics and Print Services, Room 1A1, Cottrell Building – remember to bring your printed copies with you. You’ll be asked to leave your printing with us and will be given an ID number and collection time to collect your bound copies. Binding normally takes around 10-15 minutes.

Thesis binding

We provide hard back, gold foiled thesis binding to University specifications. Thesis production normally takes around 3 working days for binding and 4-5 days if you also require printing.

Why use us?

  • We are on your doorstep
  • Competitive pricing
  • We work within the University rules

Book your appointment

We have high quality digital mono and colour printing facilities in-house that allow us to produce work faster than ever. We can print from small business card size to large format for posters and banners. This, combined with our litho capabilities print-managed by our experienced team, gives us the flexibility to choose the right print solution for your project.

We also have high quality finishing services including creasing, folding, stapling, booklet making, and binding – including dissertation and thesis binding, comb, wire and tape.

 Why use us?

  • We have the fastest machines on campus
  • On suitable jobs, we can print the same day
  • If we can’t print your job in-house, we will place your job with one of our approved University suppliers and ensure the job is printed to University specifications

Get in touch

Contact to discuss your requirements

Room 1A1
Cottrell Building
University of Stirling

Access to Graphics and Print Services is by appointment only