Research news

Latest stories from the University of Stirling

Seabed shape and strength can hasten collapse of ice sheets

Scientists have shed new light on the collapse of glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland by studying the history of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet.


Stirling research boost to Scots economy outlined

The economic benefit of University of Stirling research activity was the focus of a Scottish Government ministerial visit today.

Eileen Schofield, Professor Gerry McCormac, Astrid Smallenbroek and Richard Lochhead MSP

Feeling ‘at home’ improves health, say Stirling researchers

The ability to feel ‘at home’ has a significant impact on people’s health and wellbeing, according to experts at the University of Stirling.

New study reveals ‘silence’ around suicide in young people

Mental health professionals treating children and young people with suicidal feelings should refer to ‘suicide’ explicitly to ensure they feel listened to, according to new research.

counselling, suicide

Study questions the sustainability of plant ingredients as fishmeal substitutes

Substituting fishmeal in aquaculture feeds with plant ingredients may not be as beneficial for the environment as many predict, according to new research from an international team of experts.

University of Stirling campus

Experts provide new guidelines to athletes on protein intake

A review led by a sports scientist at the University of Stirling has set out new international guidelines for protein intake in track and field athletes.

track and field

Research shows impact of poverty on children’s brain activity

Children born into poverty show key differences in behaviour and brain function, according to new research involving the Universities of Stirling and East Anglia.

Baby development

Shadow Minister meets Stirling housing and ageing experts

Local MSP, Graham Simpson, visited the University of Stirling to hear how its housing and ageing research is helping to stimulate debate on some of Scotland’s long-term challenges.

Graham Simpson

New study models the proposed reintroduction of the Eurasian lynx to Scotland

Experts have used an innovative approach to model the proposed reintroduction of the Eurasian lynx to Scotland.

Eurasian lynx

Violence against long-term care staff “normalised”

Violence against staff working in long-term care facilities – including physical assault, verbal abuse and sexual harassment – has become “normalised”, according to a new University of Stirling study.

healthcare image

‘Life after Facebook’ discussed by Stirling media expert

A former national newspaper editor – and new University of Stirling honorary professor – will outline the future of journalism in a talk tomorrow night.

Honorary Professor Allan Rennie

University showcases world-leading ageing and dementia research to UK Government Minister

A senior UK politician visited the University of Stirling today (Friday 22 March) to hear about its internationally renowned work on ageing and dementia.

Lord Duncan

Cinema-going memories explored in new research project

University of Stirling academics are collaborating on a major new research project on cinema from the 1930s onwards.

Cinema project memorabilia

Study reveals impact of plain cigarette packaging warnings

Health warnings on plain-packaged cigarettes have more of an impact on smokers than those on branded packs, according to new research from the University of Stirling.

Cigarettes - plain packaging

Space mission involving Stirling scientists reports findings

A Japanese-led space mission – involving a University of Stirling scientist – has reported its initial findings from its investigation of asteroid Ryugu.

outer space

New study sheds light on link between alcohol marketing and increased consumption in young people

Young people’s awareness of alcohol marketing – and their ownership of alcohol-branded merchandise – is associated with increased and higher-risk consumption, a landmark study has found.

Alcohol marketing image

App users can stroll through Scotland’s coalmining legacy

A smartphone app that shares secrets of Scotland’s coalmining heritage – through interactive guided walks – has been created by a University of Stirling academic.

Dr Catherine Mills

Women’s football conference kicks off on International Women’s Day

A University of Stirling researcher has co-ordinated a national conference on women’s football – held at Scotland’s national football stadium.

Women's football match

New study informs debate on predator-prey relationships

Experts have shed new light on the relationship between predators and their prey after studying how elk responded to the risk posed by grey wolves in an American national park.

Predator and prey in snow

New study aims to prompt international action on ocean plastic

The University of Stirling has been awarded a share of £850,000 to lead a research project aiming to inspire international action on marine plastic pollution.

Plastic bag in the ocean

New study on the impact of farming technologies on salmon robustness

Aquaculture experts at the University of Stirling are leading a £2 million study that aims to provide important information on the impact of innovative farming technologies on salmon.

Professor Herve Migaud

New report finds Scotland could suffer under UK immigration proposals

The UK Government’s immigration plans could reduce the number of workers in Scotland by up to five per cent over the next two decades, an expert panel has warned.

Professor David Bell

European ‘conflict’ requires Stirling students’ negotiation skills

Rising tensions between neighbouring nations will be the focus of a NATO simulation exercise involving University of Stirling students.

Dr Megan Dee

Biologists discover new plant reproduction behaviour

Biologists linked to the University of Stirling have discovered a novel mechanism used by plants to self-reproduce in the absence of pollinators.


Recovering forests important to conservation, study finds

Tropical forests recovering from disturbance could be much more important to the conservation of forest bird species than first thought, according to a new study.

Bird in forest

Housing, food and fuel poverty protections in the spotlight

Legal frameworks to protect citizens’ rights to a decent standard of living will be explored by a University of Stirling academic.

Image of Dr Katie Boyle

£1.7m project aims to boost vital aquaculture species

A major research collaboration – involving scientists at the University of Stirling – is aiming to boost stocks of aquaculture species that are vital to the UK.

lumpfish picture

Back-to-back student journalism wins for Stirling

A University of Stirling student has landed a top national journalism award.


New approach to call handling is saving lives, study finds

A call-handling model introduced by the Scottish Ambulance Service to enhance its response to patients with life-threatening conditions has improved survival rates, new research has revealed.

ambulance thumbnail

Study sheds new light on the structure of comets

A University of Stirling planetary scientist – working with European colleagues – has helped shed new light on the physical properties and evolution of comets.

67PChuryumov-Gerasimenko comet

NASA mission – involving Stirling experts – comes to an end

A NASA mission to Mars – involving University of Stirling scientists – has ended 15 years after arriving on the Red Planet.


Stirling to lead £800,000 study into forests and climate change

The University of Stirling will lead a new £800,000 interdisciplinary study designed to predict and monitor the response of European forests to drought and temperature change.


Game of Thrones star shares social insights with Stirling students

Actor Maisie Williams has urged University of Stirling students to “take risks” and grab opportunities – as she visited campus to launch her new social networking app.

Maisie Williams

Expert co-authors major new report on impact of hunting

A new report – commissioned by a leading international organisation – promotes the creation of a sustainable wild meat sector to protect disadvantaged people and endangered species from hunting.


Parliament praises University housing and ageing reports

Two University of Stirling-led reports looking at housing and ageing and the impact of housing support services on the quality of life of older people have been praised by the Scottish Parliament.

Scottish Parliament

Minister visits Stirling to hear about innovative research

A Scottish Government minister has visited the University of Stirling to hear how its experts are leading a £1.85 million study investigating how marine plastics transport bacteria and viruses.

Ministerial visit

Initiative to boost lifestyles of football fans proves a success

A project designed to improve the health of football fans has proven to be more effective in boosting physical activity in men than other similar programmes, according to new research.

Football fans training

Classic card game to bridge the gap between play and study

Researchers at the University of Stirling are using a classic card game to develop an academic discipline called the Sociology of Bridge.

Professor Samantha Punch

Misinformation targeted by Stirling researcher

Tackling false information in news reports, the public sphere and on social media will be the focus of a world-first event co-organised by a University of Stirling researcher.


New research will improve diagnosis of antenatal anxiety

A landmark study by experts at the University of Stirling will help health professionals improve the identification of severe and problematic anxiety in pregnant women.

anxiety in pregnancy

Stirling experts to study wildlife trade in Central Africa

The University of Stirling will receive around £390,000 as part of a new multi-million pound project aiming to make trade a positive force for both marginalised people and nature conservation.


Scottish Minister learns about University's work on ageing and dementia

Scottish Government Minister for Older People, Christina McKelvie MSP, visited the University of Stirling to hear about its work on ageing and dementia.

Four women in a row with hills behind

Enhanced research reporting method to improve patient care

Patients could benefit from improved care and outcomes thanks to new research guidance developed as part of a University of Stirling-led study.

doctor and patient

Media and communications conference makes Scottish debut at Stirling

A major UK media and communications conference starts at the University of Stirling today – the first time it has been held in Scotland.

Dr Alenka Jelen

Experts warn against mega-dams in lowland tropical forests

Mega-dams should not be built in lowland tropical forest regions due to the threat they pose to biodiversity and ecosystems, according to experts at the University of Stirling.

Islands created by mega dam

Researchers awarded three-year fellowships to address needs of society

Eight researchers have been awarded Anniversary Fellowships by the University of Stirling to carry out research which addresses the needs of society.

Group of eight people standing under three University umbrellas

Lifetime achievement award for Sir George Reid

University of Stirling Professorial Fellow Sir George Reid has won Scotland’s top award for public service.

Sir George Reid and John Swinney MSP

Plain packaging sparked tobacco price rises, new study finds

The introduction of plain tobacco packaging led to an increase in the price of leading products, according to new research from the University of Stirling.

Woman smoking cigarette

Global survey of news photographers reveals financial challenges

An international study of news photographers – authored by University of Stirling academics – has revealed a sharp decline in the number working full-time.

University of Stirling campus

£1.85m study to investigate microbes “hitch-hiking” on marine plastics

Experts at the University of Stirling will lead a new £1.85 million project investigating how marine plastics transport bacteria and viruses – and the impact that may have on human health.

Marine plastics